| TypeName (coupledPolyPatch::typeName_()) |
| Runtime type information. More...
| coupledFacePointPatch (const polyPatch &patch, const pointBoundaryMesh &bm) |
| Construct from components. More...
virtual | ~coupledFacePointPatch () |
| Destructor. More...
| TypeName (polyPatch::typeName_()) |
| Runtime type information. More...
| declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, facePointPatch, polyPatch,(const polyPatch &patch, const pointBoundaryMesh &bm),(patch, bm)) |
| facePointPatch (const polyPatch &, const pointBoundaryMesh &) |
| Construct from polyPatch. More...
| facePointPatch (const facePointPatch &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual | ~facePointPatch () |
| Destructor. More...
const polyPatch & | patch () const |
| Return the polyPatch. More...
virtual const word & | name () const |
| Return name. More...
virtual label | size () const |
| Return size. More...
virtual label | index () const |
| Return the index of this patch in the pointBoundaryMesh. More...
virtual bool | coupled () const |
| Return true if this patch field is coupled. More...
virtual const labelList & | meshPoints () const |
| Return mesh points. More...
virtual const pointField & | localPoints () const |
| Return pointField of points in patch. More...
virtual const vectorField & | pointNormals () const |
| Return point unit normals. More...
void | operator= (const facePointPatch &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
| TypeName ("basePatch") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| pointPatch (const pointBoundaryMesh &bm) |
| pointPatch (const pointPatch &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual | ~pointPatch () |
| Destructor. More...
const pointBoundaryMesh & | boundaryMesh () const |
| Return boundaryMesh reference. More...
virtual const word & | constraintType () const |
| Return the constraint type this pointPatch implements. More...
virtual void | applyConstraint (const label pointi, pointConstraint &) const |
| Accumulate the effect of constraint direction of this patch. More...
void | operator= (const pointPatch &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
| TypeName (coupledPolyPatch::typeName_()) |
| Runtime type information. More...
| coupledPointPatch (const pointBoundaryMesh &bm) |
| Construct from components. More...
virtual | ~coupledPointPatch () |
| Destructor. More...