32 inline void Foam::prefixOSstream::checkWritePrefix()
34 if (printPrefix_ && prefix_.size())
53 OSstream(os, name, format, version, compression),
63 os <<
"prefixOSstream ";
105 size_t len = strlen(str);
131 const std::string& val,
178 std::streamsize count
prefixOSstream(ostream &os, const string &name, streamFormat format=ASCII, versionNumber version=currentVersion, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED)
Set stream status.
virtual void print(Ostream &) const
Print description of IOstream to Ostream.
A token holds items read from Istream.
virtual Ostream & writeQuoted(const std::string &, const bool quoted=true)
Write std::string surrounded by quotes.
virtual void indent()
Add indentation characters.
OSstream(ostream &os, const string &name, streamFormat format=ASCII, versionNumber version=currentVersion, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED)
Set stream status.
A class for handling words, derived from string.
float floatScalar
Float precision floating point scalar type.
Enumeration for the format of data in the stream.
double doubleScalar
Double precision floating point scalar type.
Enumeration for the format of data in the stream.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
virtual void indent()
Add indentation characters.
const string & stringToken() const
virtual Ostream & write(const token &)
Write next token to stream.
long double longDoubleScalar
Lang double precision floating point scalar type.
virtual Ostream & write(const token &)
Write next token to stream.
virtual Ostream & writeQuoted(const std::string &, const bool quoted=true)
Write std::string surrounded by quotes.
virtual void print(Ostream &) const
Print description of IOstream to Ostream.
const dimensionedScalar c
Speed of light in a vacuum.