dictionary & | controlDict () |
| The central control dictionary. More...
dictionary & | debugSwitches () |
| The DebugSwitches sub-dictionary in the central controlDict. More...
dictionary & | infoSwitches () |
| The InfoSwitches sub-dictionary in the central controlDict. More...
dictionary & | optimisationSwitches () |
| The OptimisationSwitches sub-dictionary in the central controlDict. More...
int | debugSwitch (const char *name, const int defaultValue=0) |
| Lookup debug switch or add default value. More...
int | infoSwitch (const char *name, const int defaultValue=0) |
| Lookup info switch or add default value. More...
int | optimisationSwitch (const char *name, const int defaultValue=0) |
| Lookup optimisation switch or add default value. More...
float | floatOptimisationSwitch (const char *name, const float defaultValue=0) |
| Lookup optimisation switch or add default value. More...
dictionary & | switchSet (const char *subDictName, dictionary *&subDictPtr) |
| Internal function to lookup a sub-dictionary from controlDict. More...
void | listSwitches (const bool unset) |
| List debug switches. More...
void | addDebugObject (const char *name, simpleRegIOobject *obj) |
| Register debug switch read/write object. More...
void | addInfoObject (const char *name, simpleRegIOobject *obj) |
| Register info switch read/write object. More...
void | addOptimisationObject (const char *name, simpleRegIOobject *obj) |
| Register optimisation switch read/write object. More...
void | addDimensionSetObject (const char *name, simpleRegIOobject *obj) |
| Register DimensionSets read/write object. More...
void | addDimensionedConstantObject (const char *name, simpleRegIOobject *) |
| Register DimensionedConstant read/write object. More...
simpleObjectRegistry & | debugObjects () |
| Get access to registered debug switch objects. More...
simpleObjectRegistry & | infoObjects () |
| Get access to registered info switch objects. More...
simpleObjectRegistry & | optimisationObjects () |
| Get access to registered optimisation switch objects. More...
simpleObjectRegistry & | dimensionSetObjects () |
| Get access to registered dimensionSets switch objects. More...
simpleObjectRegistry & | dimensionedConstantObjects () |
| Get access to registered dimensionedConstant switch objects. More...
void | listRegisteredSwitches (const bool unset) |
| List registered debug switches. More...
Original source file debug.H
Definition in file debug.H.