38 template<
class BasicTurbulenceModel>
45 this->nut_.correctBoundaryConditions();
48 BasicTurbulenceModel::correctNut();
52 template<
class BasicTurbulenceModel>
61 template<
class BasicTurbulenceModel>
70 const word& propertiesName,
91 this->runTime_.timeName(),
103 this->runTime_.timeName(),
120 simpleFilter_(U.mesh()),
122 filter_(filterPtr_()),
124 flm0_(
"flm0", flm_.dimensions(), 0.0),
125 fmm0_(
"fmm0", fmm_.dimensions(), vSmall)
127 if (type == typeName)
129 this->printCoeffs(type);
136 template<
class BasicTurbulenceModel>
141 filter_.read(this->coeffDict());
142 theta_.readIfPresent(this->coeffDict());
153 template<
class BasicTurbulenceModel>
156 if (!this->turbulence_)
183 2.0*
delta())*(filter_(magS*S) - 4.0*magSf*Sf)
188 alpha*rho*(1.0/(theta_.value()*this->
pow(flm_*fmm_, 1.0/8.0)
Eddy viscosity LES SGS model base class.
tmp< GeometricField< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type, fvPatchField, volMesh >> grad(const GeometricField< Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh > &ssf)
Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging.
void correct(GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > &field)
Apply correction to field.
dimensionedSymmTensor sqr(const dimensionedVector &dv)
Generic dimensioned Type class.
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > Sp(const volScalarField::Internal &, const GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
virtual void correct()=0
Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity.
dimensionedSymmTensor dev(const dimensionedSymmTensor &dt)
A class for handling words, derived from string.
static word groupName(Name name, const word &group)
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > ddt(const GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > &vf)
A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise.
autoPtr< surfaceVectorField > Uf
void constrain(fvMatrix< Type > &eqn)
Apply constraints to equation.
virtual bool read()
Read model coefficients if they have changed.
SolverPerformance< Type > solve(const dictionary &)
Solve segregated or coupled returning the solution statistics.
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > div(const surfaceScalarField &flux, const GeometricField< Type, fvPatchField, volMesh > &vf, const word &name)
void relax(const scalar alpha)
Relax matrix (for steady-state solution).
fileName::Type type(const fileName &, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: DIRECTORY or FILE.
dimensionedScalar pow(const dimensionedScalar &ds, const dimensionedScalar &expt)
volScalarField & bound(volScalarField &, const dimensionedScalar &lowerBound)
Bound the given scalar field if it has gone unbounded.
dimensionedSymmTensor symm(const dimensionedSymmTensor &dt)
BasicTurbulenceModel::rhoField rhoField
dimensioned< scalar > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &)
A class for managing temporary objects.
static options & New(const fvMesh &mesh)
Construct fvOptions and register to datbase if not present.
virtual void correct()
Correct Eddy-Viscosity and related properties.
BasicTurbulenceModel::alphaField alphaField
const dimensionedScalar alpha
Fine-structure constant: default SI units: [].
static autoPtr< LESfilter > New(const fvMesh &, const dictionary &, const word &filterDictName="filter")
Return a reference to the selected LES filter.
IOobject defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supporte...
virtual void correctNut()
BasicTurbulenceModel::transportModel transportModel