surfaceBooleanFeatures.C File Reference

Generates the extendedFeatureEdgeMesh for the interface between a boolean operation on two surfaces. Assumes that the orientation of the surfaces is correct: More...

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Detailed Description

Generates the extendedFeatureEdgeMesh for the interface between a boolean operation on two surfaces. Assumes that the orientation of the surfaces is correct:

Original source file surfaceBooleanFeatures.C

- if the operation is union or intersection, that both surface's normals (n) have the same orientation with respect to a point, i.e. surfaces and b are orientated the same with respect to point x:

  |       |--> n
  |    ___|___             x
  |a  |   |   |--> n
  |___|___|  b|
      |       |
  |       |--> n
  |    ___|___             x
  |a  |   |   |
  |___|___|  b|
      |  n <--|

When the operation is peformed - for union, all of the edges generates where one surfaces cuts another are all "internal" for union, and "external" for intersection, b - a and a - b. This has been assumed, formal (dis)proof is invited.

Definition in file surfaceBooleanFeatures.C.