Field function objects
Collaboration diagram for Field function objects:


class  blendingFactor
 This function object calculates and outputs the blendingFactor as used by the bended convection schemes. The output is a volume field (cells) whose value is calculated via the maximum blending factor for any cell face. More...
class  components
 This function object calculates the components of a field. More...
class  CourantNo
 This function object calculates and outputs the Courant number as a volScalarField. The field is stored on the mesh database so that it can be retrieved and used for other applications. More...
class  div
 This function object calculates the divergence of a field. The operation is limited to surfaceScalarFields and volVectorFields, and the output is a volScalarField. More...
class  enstrophy
 This function object calculates the enstrophy of the velocity. More...
class  fieldAverage
 This function object calculates average quantities for a user-specified selection of volumetric and surface fields. Fields are entered as a list of sub-dictionaries, which indicate the type of averages to perform, and can be updated during the calculation. The current options include: More...
class  fieldCoordinateSystemTransform
 This function object transforms a user-specified selection of fields from global Cartesian co-ordinates to a local co-ordinate system. The fields are run-time modifiable. More...
class  fieldExpression
class  fieldMinMax
 This function object calculates the value and location of scalar minimim and maximum for a list of user-specified fields. For variables with a rank greater than zero, either the min/max of a component value or the magnitude is reported. When operating in parallel, the processor owning the value is also given. More...
class  fieldValue
 Base class for field value -based function objects. More...
class  fieldValueDelta
 This function object provides a differencing option between two 'field value' function objects. More...
class  surfaceRegion
 This function object provides a 'face regionType' variant of the fieldValues function object. Given a list of user-specified fields and a selection of mesh (or general surface) faces, a number of operations can be performed, such as sums, averages and integrations. More...
class  volRegion
 This function object provides a 'cell region' variant of the fieldValues function object. Given a list of user-specified fields and a selection of mesh cells, a number of operations can be performed, such as sums, averages and integrations. More...
class  flowType
 This function object calculates and writes the flowType of a velocity field. More...
class  grad
 This function object calculates the gradient of a field. The operation is limited to scalar and vector volume or surface fields, and the output is a volume vector or tensor field. More...
class  histogram
 Write the volume-weighted histogram of a volScalarField. More...
class  Lambda2
 This function object calculates and outputs the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor. More...
class  MachNo
 This function object calculates and writes the Mach number as a volScalarField. More...
class  mag
 This function object calculates the magnitude of a field. More...
class  magSqr
 This function object calculates the magnitude of the sqr of a field. More...
class  nearWallFields
 This function object samples near-patch volume fields. More...
class  PecletNo
 This function object calculates and outputs the Peclet number as a surfaceScalarField. More...
class  pressure
 This function object includes tools to manipulate the pressure into different forms. These currently include: More...
class  processorField
 This function object writes a scalar field whose value is the local processor ID. The output field name is 'processorID'. More...
class  Q
 This function object calculates and outputs the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor [1/s^2]. More...
class  randomise
 This function object adds a random component to a field, with a specified perturbation magnitude. More...
class  readFields
 This function object reads fields from the time directories and adds them to the mesh database for further post-processing. More...
class  regionSizeDistribution
 This function object creates a size distribution via interrogating a continuous phase fraction field. More...
class  streamLine
 This function object generates streamline data by sampling a set of user-specified fields along a particle track, transported by a user-specified velocity field. More...
class  turbulenceFields
 This function object stores turbulence fields on the mesh database for further manipulation. More...
class  vorticity
 This function object calculates the vorticity, the curl of the velocity. More...
class  wallBoundedStreamLine
 This function object generates streamline data by sampling a set of user-specified fields along a particle track, transported by a user-specified velocity field, constrained to a patch. More...
class  yPlus
 Evaluates and outputs turbulence y+ for models. Values written to time directories as field 'yPlus'. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains field-based function objects

Function objects in this group are packaged into the library.