wedgeFvPatch Member List

This is the complete list of members for wedgeFvPatch, including all inherited members.

BoundaryMesh typedeffvPatch
boundaryMesh() const fvPatchinline
cellT() const wedgeFvPatchinline
Cf() const fvPatch
Cn() const fvPatch
constraintType(const word &pt)fvPatchstatic
coupled() const fvPatchinlinevirtual
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, fvPatch, polyPatch,(const polyPatch &patch, const fvBoundaryMesh &bm),(patch, bm))fvPatch
delta() const fvPatchvirtual
deltaCoeffs() const fvPatch
faceCells() const fvPatchvirtual
faceT() const wedgeFvPatchinline
fvPatch(const polyPatch &, const fvBoundaryMesh &)fvPatch
index() const fvPatchinline
lookupPatchField(const word &name, const GeometricField *=NULL, const Type *=NULL) const fvPatch
magSf() const fvPatch
makeWeights(scalarField &) const fvPatchprotectedvirtual
name() const fvPatchinline
New(const polyPatch &, const fvBoundaryMesh &)fvPatchstatic
nf() const fvPatch
patch() const fvPatchinline
patchField(const GeometricField &) const fvPatch
patchInternalField(const UList< Type > &) const fvPatch
patchInternalField(const UList< Type > &, Field< Type > &) const fvPatch
patchInternalField(const UList< Type > &f) const fvPatch
patchSlice(const List< T > &l) const fvPatchinline
Sf() const fvPatch
size() const fvPatchinlinevirtual
start() const fvPatchinline
wedgeFvPatch(const polyPatch &patch, const fvBoundaryMesh &bm)wedgeFvPatch
weights() const fvPatch