polyTopoChange Member List

This is the complete list of members for polyTopoChange, including all inherited members.

addCell(const label masterPointID, const label masterEdgeID, const label masterFaceID, const label masterCellID, const label zoneID)polyTopoChange
addFace(const face &f, const label own, const label nei, const label masterPointID, const label masterEdgeID, const label masterFaceID, const bool flipFaceFlux, const label patchID, const label zoneID, const bool zoneFlip)polyTopoChange
addMesh(const polyMesh &, const labelList &patchMap, const labelList &pointZoneMap, const labelList &faceZoneMap, const labelList &cellZoneMap)polyTopoChange
addPoint(const point &, const label masterPointID, const label zoneID, const bool inCell)polyTopoChange
cellRemoved(const label celli) const polyTopoChangeinline
changeMesh(polyMesh &mesh, const bool inflate, const bool syncParallel=true, const bool orderCells=false, const bool orderPoints=false)polyTopoChange
faceNeighbour() const polyTopoChangeinline
faceOwner() const polyTopoChangeinline
faceRemoved(const label facei) const polyTopoChangeinline
faces() const polyTopoChangeinline
makeMesh(autoPtr< fvMesh > &newMesh, const IOobject &io, const polyMesh &mesh, const bool syncParallel=true, const bool orderCells=false, const bool orderPoints=false)polyTopoChange
modifyCell(const label, const label zoneID)polyTopoChange
modifyFace(const face &f, const label facei, const label own, const label nei, const bool flipFaceFlux, const label patchID, const label zoneID, const bool zoneFlip)polyTopoChange
modifyPoint(const label, const point &, const label newZoneID, const bool inCell)polyTopoChange
movePoints(const pointField &newPoints)polyTopoChange
pointRemoved(const label pointi) const polyTopoChangeinline
points() const polyTopoChangeinline
polyTopoChange(const label nPatches, const bool strict=true)polyTopoChange
polyTopoChange(const polyMesh &mesh, const bool strict=true)polyTopoChange
region() const polyTopoChangeinline
removeCell(const label, const label)polyTopoChange
removeFace(const label, const label)polyTopoChange
removePoint(const label, const label)polyTopoChange
setAction(const topoAction &action)polyTopoChange
setCapacity(const label nPoints, const label nFaces, const label nCells)polyTopoChange
setNumPatches(const label nPatches)polyTopoChangeinline