This is the complete list of members for indexedParticle, including all inherited members.
boundaryFace(const label facei) const | particle< Type > | inline |
cell() | particle< Type > | inline |
cell() const | particle< Type > | inline |
celli_ | particle< Type > | protected |
clone() const | indexedParticle | inlinevirtual |
correctAfterParallelTransfer(const label patchi, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | |
crossEdgeConnectedFace(const label &celli, label &tetFacei, label &tetPtI, const edge &e) | particle< Type > | inlineprotected |
currentTet() const | particle< Type > | inline |
currentTetIndices() const | particle< Type > | inline |
currentTime() const | particle< Type > | inline |
deregister() | DLListBase::link | inline |
face() | particle< Type > | inline |
face() const | particle< Type > | inline |
facei_ | particle< Type > | protected |
faceInterpolation() const | particle< Type > | inline |
findTris(const vector &position, DynamicList< label > &faceList, const tetPointRef &tet, const FixedList< vector, 4 > &tetAreas, const FixedList< label, 4 > &tetPlaneBasePtIs, const scalar tol) const | particle< Type > | inlineprotected |
getNewParticleID() const | particle< Type > | inline |
hitCyclicAMIPatch(const cyclicAMIPolyPatch &, TrackData &td, const vector &direction) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitCyclicPatch(const cyclicPolyPatch &, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitFace(TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitPatch(const polyPatch &, TrackData &td, const label patchi, const scalar trackFraction, const tetIndices &tetIs) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitPatch(const polyPatch &, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitProcessorPatch(const processorPolyPatch &, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitSymmetryPatch(const symmetryPolyPatch &, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitSymmetryPlanePatch(const symmetryPlanePolyPatch &, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitWallFaces(const CloudType &td, const vector &from, const vector &to, scalar &lambdaMin, tetIndices &closestTetIs) | particle< Type > | inlineprotected |
hitWallPatch(const wallPolyPatch &, TrackData &td, const tetIndices &tetIs) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitWedgePatch(const wedgePolyPatch &, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
index() const | indexedParticle | inline |
index() | indexedParticle | inline |
indexedParticle(const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPtI, const label index=0) | indexedParticle | inline |
indexedParticle(const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli, const label index=0) | indexedParticle | inline |
indexedParticle(const polyMesh &mesh, Istream &is, bool readFields=true) | indexedParticle | inline |
indexedParticle(const indexedParticle &p) | indexedParticle | inline |
initCellFacePt() | particle< Type > | inline |
internalFace(const label facei) const | particle< Type > | inline |
lambdaDistanceToleranceCoeff | particle< Type > | static |
link() | DLListBase::link | inline |
mesh() const | particle< Type > | inline |
mesh_ | particle< Type > | protected |
minStepFractionTol | particle< Type > | static |
movingTetLambda(const vector &from, const vector &to, const label triI, const vector &tetArea, const label tetPlaneBasePtI, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPtI, const scalar tol) const | particle< Type > | inlineprotected |
next_ | DLListBase::link | |
normal() const | particle< Type > | inline |
oldNormal() const | particle< Type > | inline |
onBoundary() const | particle< Type > | inline |
origId() const | particle< Type > | inline |
origId() | particle< Type > | inline |
origId_ | particle< Type > | protected |
origProc() const | particle< Type > | inline |
origProc() | particle< Type > | inline |
origProc_ | particle< Type > | protected |
particle(const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPtI) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli, bool doCellFacePt=true) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const polyMesh &mesh, Istream &, bool readFields=true) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const particle &p) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const particle &p, const polyMesh &mesh) | particle< Type > | |
particleCount_ | particle< Type > | static |
patch(const label facei) const | particle< Type > | inline |
patchFace(const label patchi, const label facei) const | particle< Type > | inline |
position() const | particle< Type > | inline |
position() | particle< Type > | inline |
position_ | particle< Type > | protected |
prepareForParallelTransfer(const label patchi, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | |
prev_ | DLListBase::link | |
propertyList() | particle< Type > | inlinestatic |
propertyList_ | particle< Type > | static |
readFields(CloudType &c) | particle< Type > | static |
registered() const | DLListBase::link | inline |
softImpact() const | particle< Type > | inline |
stepFraction() | particle< Type > | inline |
stepFraction() const | particle< Type > | inline |
stepFraction_ | particle< Type > | protected |
tetFace() | particle< Type > | inline |
tetFace() const | particle< Type > | inline |
tetFacei_ | particle< Type > | protected |
tetLambda(const vector &from, const vector &to, const label triI, const vector &tetArea, const label tetPlaneBasePtI, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPtI, const scalar tol) const | particle< Type > | inlineprotected |
tetNeighbour(label triI) | particle< Type > | inlineprotected |
tetPt() | particle< Type > | inline |
tetPt() const | particle< Type > | inline |
tetPtI_ | particle< Type > | protected |
track(const vector &endPosition, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | |
track(const vector &endPosition, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | |
trackingCorrectionTol | particle< Type > | static |
trackToFace(const vector &endPosition, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | |
trackToFace(const vector &endPosition, TrackData &td) | particle< Type > | |
transformProperties(const tensor &T) | particle< Type > | virtual |
transformProperties(const vector &separation) | particle< Type > | virtual |
TypeName("particle") | particle< Type > | |
wallImpactDistance(const vector &n) const | particle< Type > | virtual |
writeFields(const CloudType &c) | particle< Type > | static |
writePosition(Ostream &) const | particle< Type > | |
~particle() | particle< Type > | inlinevirtual |