This is the complete list of members for Reaction< ReactionThermo >, including all inherited members.
clone() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inlinevirtual |
clone(const speciesTable &species) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inlinevirtual |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, Reaction, Istream,(const speciesTable &species, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase, Istream &is),(species, thermoDatabase, is)) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, Reaction, dictionary,(const speciesTable &species, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase, const dictionary &dict),(species, thermoDatabase, dict)) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
gasSpecies() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
glhs() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
grhs() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
kf(const scalar p, const scalar T, const scalarField &c) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
kr(const scalar kfwd, const scalar p, const scalar T, const scalarField &c) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
kr(const scalar p, const scalar T, const scalarField &c) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
lhs() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inline |
name() | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inline |
name() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inline |
New(const speciesTable &species, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase, Istream &is) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | static |
New(const speciesTable &species, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase, const dictionary &dict) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | static |
nUnNamedReactions | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | static |
operator(Ostream &, const Reaction< ReactionThermo > &) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | friend |
Reaction(const speciesTable &species, const List< specieCoeffs > &lhs, const List< specieCoeffs > &rhs, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
Reaction(const Reaction< ReactionThermo > &, const speciesTable &species) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
Reaction(const speciesTable &species, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase, Istream &is) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
Reaction(const speciesTable &species, const HashPtrTable< ReactionThermo > &thermoDatabase, const dictionary &dict) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
reactionStrLeft(OStringStream &reaction) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | protected |
reactionStrRight(OStringStream &reaction) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | protected |
rhs() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inline |
setLRhs(Istream &, const speciesTable &, List< specieCoeffs > &lhs, List< specieCoeffs > &rhs) | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
species() const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
TypeName("Reaction") | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | |
write(Ostream &) const | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | virtual |
~Reaction() | Reaction< ReactionThermo > | inlinevirtual |