stitchMesh.C File Reference

Utility to stitch or conform pairs of patches, converting the patch faces either into internal faces or conformal faces or another patch. More...

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Detailed Description

Utility to stitch or conform pairs of patches, converting the patch faces either into internal faces or conformal faces or another patch.

Original source file stitchMesh.C

stitchMesh (<list of patch pairs>)

E.g. to stitch patches top1 to top2 and bottom1 to bottom2 stitchMesh "((top1 top2) (bottom1 bottom2))"


  • -overwrite \n
    Replace the old mesh with the new one, rather than writing the new one into a separate time directory
  • -region <name>
    Specify an alternative mesh region.
  • -fields
    Update vol and point fields
  • -tol
    Merge tolerance relative to local edge length (default 1e-4)
    See also

Definition in file stitchMesh.C.