reorderPatches.C File Reference

Utility to reorder the patches of a case. More...

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Detailed Description

Utility to reorder the patches of a case.

Original source file reorderPatches.C

The new patch order may be specified directly as a list of patch names following the -patchOrder option or from the boundary file of a reference case specified using the -referenceCase option with or without the -referenceRegion option.

This utility run either serial or parallel but either way the reference case boundary file is read from the constant directory.



  • -patchOrder <patch names>
    Specify the list of patch names in the new order.
  • -referenceCase <case path>
    Specify the reference case path
  • -referenceRegion <name>
    Specify an alternative mesh region for the reference case. If -referenceCase is not specified the current case is used.
  • -overwrite \n
    Replace the old mesh with the new one, rather than writing the new one into a separate time directory
  • -region <name>
    Specify an alternative mesh region.

Definition in file reorderPatches.C.