foamPostProcess.C File Reference

Execute the set of functionObjects specified in the selected dictionary (which defaults to system/controlDict) or on the command-line for the selected set of times on the selected set of fields. More...

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Detailed Description

Execute the set of functionObjects specified in the selected dictionary (which defaults to system/controlDict) or on the command-line for the selected set of times on the selected set of fields.

Original source file foamPostProcess.C

The functionObjects are either executed directly or for the solver optionally specified as a command-line argument.

foamPostProcess [OPTION]
Read control dictionary from specified location
  • -solver
    Solver name
  • -libs '("" ... "")'
    Specify the additional libraries loaded
    Specify the region
  • -func
    Specify the name of the functionObject to execute, e.g. Q
  • -funcs
    Specify the names of the functionObjects to execute, e.g. '(Q div(U))'
  • -field
    Specify the name of the field to be processed, e.g. U
  • -fields
    Specify a list of fields to be processed, e.g. '(U T p)' - regular expressions not currently supported
  • -time
    comma-separated time ranges - eg, ':10,20,40:70,1000:'
  • -latestTime
    Select the latest time
  • -list
    List the available configured functionObjects
  • -list
    List the available functionObject templates
    Example usage:
  • Print the list of available configured functionObjects:
            foamPostProcess -list
  • Execute the functionObjects specified in the controlDict of the fluid region for all the available times:
            foamPostProcess -region fluid
  • Execute the functionObjects specified in the controlDict for the 'fluid' solver in the 'cooling' region for the latest time only:
            foamPostProcess -solver fluid -region cooling -latestTime

Definition in file foamPostProcess.C.