decomposePar.C File Reference

Automatically decomposes a mesh and fields of a case for parallel execution of OpenFOAM. More...

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Detailed Description

Automatically decomposes a mesh and fields of a case for parallel execution of OpenFOAM.

Original source file decomposePar.C

decomposePar [OPTION]


  • -cellProc
    Write cell processor indices as a volScalarField::Internal for post-processing.
  • -region <regionName> \n
    Decompose named region. Does not check for existence of processor*.
  • -allRegions \n
    Decompose all regions in regionSolvers. Does not check for existence of processor*.
  • -copyZero \n
    Copy 0 directory to processor* rather than decompose the fields.
  • -copyUniform \n
    Copy any uniform directories too.
  • -constant
    Decompose mesh and fields in the constant directory.
  • -time xxx:yyy \n
    Override controlDict settings and decompose selected times.
  • -fields \n
    Use existing geometry decomposition and convert fields only.
  • -noSets \n
    Skip decomposing cellSets, faceSets, pointSets.
  • -force \n
    Remove any existing processor subdirectories before decomposing the geometry.

Definition in file decomposePar.C.