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wedgePolyPatch Member List

This is the complete list of members for wedgePolyPatch, including all inherited members.

axis() constwedgePolyPatchinline
begin()UList< T >inline
begin() constUList< T >inline
boundaryMesh() constpolyPatch
boundaryPoints() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
byteSize() constUList< T >
calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers &)wedgePolyPatchprotectedvirtual
cbegin() constUList< T >inline
cdata() constUList< T >inline
cellT() constwedgePolyPatchinline
cend() constUList< T >inline
centreNormal() constwedgePolyPatchinline
checkIndex(const label i) constUList< T >inline
checkPointManifold(const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
checkSize(const label size) constUList< T >inline
checkStart(const label start) constUList< T >inline
checkTopology(const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
clearOut()PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
clearPatchMeshAddr()PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
clearTopology()PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
clone(const polyBoundaryMesh &bm) constwedgePolyPatchinlinevirtual
clone(const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const label index, const label newSize, const label newStart) constwedgePolyPatchinlinevirtual
PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::clone() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >inline
const_iterator typedefUList< T >
const_reference typedefUList< T >
const_reverse_iterator typedefUList< T >
constraintType(const word &pt)polyPatchstatic
cosAngle() constwedgePolyPatchinline
coupled() constpolyPatchinlinevirtual
crbegin() constUList< T >inline
crend() constUList< T >inline
data()UList< T >inline
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, polyPatch, word,(const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType),(name, size, start, index, bm, patchType))polyPatch
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, polyPatch, dictionary,(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType),(name, dict, index, bm, patchType))polyPatch
deepCopy(const UList< T > &)UList< T >
difference_type typedefUList< T >
edgeFaces() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
edgeLoops() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
edges() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
empty() constUList< T >inline
end()UList< T >inline
end() constUList< T >inline
faceAreas() constpolyPatch
faceCellCentres() constpolyPatch
faceCells() constpolyPatch
faceCentres() constpolyPatch
faceEdges() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
faceFaces() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
FaceListType typedefPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
faceNormals() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
faceT() constwedgePolyPatchinline
FaceType typedefPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
fcIndex(const label i) constUList< T >inline
first()UList< T >inline
first() constUList< T >inline
ILLEGAL enum valuePrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
index() constpatchIdentifierinline
inGroup(const word &) constpatchIdentifier
inGroups() constpatchIdentifierinline
initCalcGeometry(PstreamBuffers &)polyPatchinlineprotectedvirtual
initMovePoints(PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &)polyPatchinlineprotectedvirtual
initOrder(PstreamBuffers &, const primitivePatch &) constpolyPatchvirtual
initTopoChange(PstreamBuffers &)polyPatchinlineprotectedvirtual
isInternalEdge(const label edgeI) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >inline
iterator typedefUList< T >
last()UList< T >inline
last() constUList< T >inline
localFaces() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
localPointOrder() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
localPoints() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
magFaceAreas() constpolyPatch
MANIFOLD enum valuePrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
max_size() constUList< T >inline
meshEdges() constpolyPatch
PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &cellEdges, const labelList &faceCells) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &pointEdges) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
meshPointMap() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
meshPoints() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
movePoints(const pointField &p)polyPatchprotectedvirtual
movePoints(PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &p)polyPatchprotectedvirtual
n() constwedgePolyPatchinline
name() constpatchIdentifierinline
nEdges() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >inline
New(const word &patchType, const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm)polyPatchstatic
New(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm)polyPatchstatic
New(const word &patchType, const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm)polyPatchstatic
nInternalEdges() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
nPoints() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >inline
null()SubList< T >inlinestatic
OPEN enum valuePrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
operator const Foam::List< T > &() constSubList< T >inline
operator!=(const UList< T > &) constUList< T >
operator<(const UList< T > &) constUList< T >
operator<=(const UList< T > &) constUList< T >
operator=(const polyPatch &)polyPatch
PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::operator=(const PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::operator=(PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &&)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
Foam::SubList::operator=(const SubList< T > &)SubList< T >inline
Foam::SubList::operator=(const UList< T > &)SubList< T >inline
Foam::SubList::operator=(const T &)SubList< T >inline
Foam::UList::operator=(const zero)UList< T >
operator==(const UList< T > &) constUList< T >
operator>(const UList< T > &) constUList< T >
operator>=(const UList< T > &) constUList< T >
operator[](const label)UList< T >inline
operator[](const label) constUList< T >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< T >inline
order(PstreamBuffers &, const primitivePatch &, labelList &faceMap, labelList &rotation) constpolyPatchvirtual
patchIdentifier(const word &name, const label index, const word &physicalType=word::null, const wordList &inGroups=wordList())patchIdentifier
patchIdentifier(const word &name, const dictionary &, const label index)patchIdentifier
patchIdentifier(const patchIdentifier &, const label index)patchIdentifier
patchInternalList(const UList< T > &internalValues) constpolyPatchinline
patchSlice(const UList< T > &l) constpolyPatchinline
patchSlice(const Field< T > &l) constpolyPatchinline
physicalType() constpatchIdentifierinline
pointEdges() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
pointFaces() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PointFieldType typedefPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
pointNormals() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
points() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >inline
PointType typedefPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
polyPatch(const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)polyPatch
polyPatch(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)polyPatch
polyPatch(const polyPatch &, const polyBoundaryMesh &)polyPatch
polyPatch(const polyPatch &pp, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const label index, const label newSize, const label newStart)polyPatch
polyPatch(const polyPatch &)polyPatch
PrimitivePatch(const SubList< face > &faces, const Field< PointType > &points)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PrimitivePatch(SubList< face > &&faces, Field< PointType > &&points)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PrimitivePatch(SubList< face > &faces, Field< PointType > &points, const bool reuse)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PrimitivePatch(const PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
PrimitivePatch(PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &&)PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
projectFaceCentres(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::algorithm::fullRay, const intersection::direction=intersection::direction::vector) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
projectFaceCentres(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
projectPoints(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::algorithm::fullRay, const intersection::direction=intersection::direction::vector) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
projectPoints(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
rbegin()UList< T >inline
rbegin() constUList< T >inline
rcIndex(const label i) constUList< T >inline
reference typedefUList< T >
rename(const wordList &newNames)polyPatchprotectedvirtual
rend()UList< T >inline
rend() constUList< T >inline
reorder(const labelUList &newToOldIndex)polyPatchprotectedvirtual
reverse_iterator typedefUList< T >
shallowCopy(const UList< T > &)UList< T >inline
size() constUList< T >inline
size_type typedefUList< T >
start() constpolyPatchinline
SubList(const UList< T > &list, const label subSize)SubList< T >inline
SubList(const UList< T > &list, const label subSize, const label startIndex)SubList< T >inline
SubList(const SubList< T > &sl)=defaultSubList< T >inline
surfaceTopo enum namePrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
surfaceType() constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
swap(UList< T > &)UList< T >
topoChange(PstreamBuffers &)polyPatchprotectedvirtual
UList()UList< T >inline
UList(T *__restrict__ v, label size)UList< T >inline
UList(const UList< T > &)=defaultUList< T >inline
value_type typedefUList< T >
wedgePolyPatch(const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)wedgePolyPatch
wedgePolyPatch(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)wedgePolyPatch
wedgePolyPatch(const wedgePolyPatch &, const polyBoundaryMesh &)wedgePolyPatch
wedgePolyPatch(const wedgePolyPatch &pp, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const label index, const label newSize, const label newStart)wedgePolyPatch
whichEdge(const edge &) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
whichFace(const label l) constpolyPatchinline
whichPoint(const label gp) constPrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
write(Ostream &) constpolyPatchvirtual
~PrimitivePatch()PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >