checkMesh.C File Reference

Checks validity of a mesh. More...

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Detailed Description

Checks validity of a mesh.

Original source file checkMesh.C

checkMesh [OPTION]


  • noTopology
    Skip checking the mesh topology
  • -allTopology
    Check all (including non finite-volume specific) addressing
  • -allGeometry
    Check all (including non finite-volume specific) geometry
  • -meshQuality
    Check against user defined (in system/meshQualityDict) quality settings
  • -region <name>
    Specify an alternative mesh region.
  • -writeSurfaces
    Reconstruct cellSets and faceSets of problem faces and write to postProcessing directory.
  • -surfaceFormat
    Format used to write the cellSets and faceSets surfaces e.g. vtk or ensight.
  • -writeSets
    Reconstruct pointSets of problem points nd write to postProcessing directory.
  • -setFormat
    Format used to write the pointSets e.g. vtk or ensight.
  • -nonOrthThreshold
    Threshold in degrees for reporting non-orthogonality errors, default: 70"
  • -skewThreshold
    Threshold for reporting skewness errors, default: 4.

Definition in file checkMesh.C.