file | fft.C [code] |
file | fft.H [code] |
file | fftRenumber.C [code] |
| Multi-dimensional renumbering used in the Numerical Recipes fft routine. This version is recursive, so works in n-d : determined by the length of array nn.
file | fftRenumber.H [code] |
| Multi-dimensional renumbering used in the Numerical Recipes fft routine.
file | kShellIntegration.C [code] |
file | kShellIntegration.H [code] |
| Integrate a multi-dimensional complexVectorField in k-shells to create the 1D.
file | writeEk.C [code] |
file | writeEk.H [code] |
| This function evaluates q(k) (McComb, p61) by summing all wavevectors in a k-shell. Then we divide through by the volume of the box.