file | createDyMControls.H [code] |
file | createFvConstraints.H [code] |
file | createFvModels.H [code] |
file | createMRF.H [code] |
file | createPimpleControl.H [code] |
file | createPisoControl.H [code] |
file | createSimpleControl.H [code] |
file | createTimeControls.H [code] |
| Read the control parameters used by setDeltaT.
file | initContinuityErrs.H [code] |
| Declare and initialise the cumulative continuity error.
file | readDyMControls.H [code] |
file | readGravitationalAcceleration.H [code] |
file | readTimeControls.H [code] |
| Read the control parameters used by setDeltaT.
file | setDeltaT.H [code] |
| Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum courant Number. Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid unstable oscillations.
file | setInitialDeltaT.H [code] |
| Set the initial timestep corresponding to the timestep adjustment algorithm in setDeltaT but only if it would reduce the timestep.
file | volContinuity.H [code] |