50 #ifndef CloudFilmTransfer_H
51 #define CloudFilmTransfer_H
65 class filmCloudTransfer;
94 template<
class CloudType>
254 const label filmFacei
Interaction types.
static const NamedEnum< interactionType, 3 > interactionTypeNames_
Interaction type names.
Thermo parcel<->film transfer model.
virtual void setParcelProperties(parcelType &p, const label filmFacei) const
Set the individual parcel properties.
label splashParcelType_
Splash parcel type label - id assigned to identify parcel for.
Runtime type information.
scalarField rhoFilmPatch_
Film density / patch face.
virtual void cacheFilmFields(const label filmi)
Cache the film fields in preparation for injection.
virtual const labelList & filmPatches() const
Return pointers to the films.
scalar Cf_
Skin friction typically in the range 0.6 < Cf < 0.8.
void drySplashInteraction(fv::filmCloudTransfer &, const parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, bool &keepParticle)
Parcel interaction with dry surface.
Random & rndGen_
Reference to the cloud random number generator.
virtual autoPtr< SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType > > clone() const
Construct and return a clone using supplied owner cloud.
scalar Awet_
Wet surface roughness coefficient.
virtual void info(Ostream &os)
Write film info to stream.
scalarField CpFilmPatch_
Film specific heat capacity / patch face.
void splashInteraction(fv::filmCloudTransfer &, const parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, const scalar mRatio, const scalar We, const scalar Wec, const scalar sigma, bool &keepParticle)
Bai parcel splash interaction model.
vector splashDirection(const vector &tanVec1, const vector &tanVec2, const vector &nf) const
Return splashed parcel direction.
void bounceInteraction(parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, bool &keepParticle) const
Bounce parcel (flip parcel normal velocity)
void absorbInteraction(fv::filmCloudTransfer &, const parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, const scalar mass, bool &keepParticle)
Absorb parcel into film.
scalar Adry_
Dry surface roughness coefficient.
scalar deltaWet_
Film thickness beyond which patch is assumed to be wet.
interactionType interactionType_
Interaction type enumeration.
virtual ~CloudFilmTransfer()
vectorField UFilmPatch_
Film velocity / patch face.
CloudFilmTransfer(const dictionary &dict, CloudType &owner)
Construct from components.
scalarField TFilmPatch_
Film temperature / patch face.
void wetSplashInteraction(fv::filmCloudTransfer &, parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, const label facei, bool &keepParticle)
Parcel interaction with wetted surface.
labelList filmPatches_
List of film patches.
label parcelsPerSplash_
Number of new parcels resulting from splash event.
CloudType::parcelType parcelType
Convenience typedef to the cloud's parcel type.
virtual bool transferParcel(parcelType &p, const polyPatch &pp, bool &keepParticle)
Transfer parcel from cloud to film.
label nParcelsSplashed_
Counter for number of new splash parcels.
UPtrList< fv::filmCloudTransfer > filmTransfers_
Pointers to the films.
const CloudType & owner() const
Return const access to the owner cloud.
Templated base class for dsmc cloud.
ParcelType parcelType
Type of parcel the cloud was instantiated for.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists,...
Templated wall surface film model class.
CloudType::parcelType parcelType
Convenience typedef to the cloud's parcel type.
A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used...
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e....
Film<->cloud transfer model.
A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list.
const dictionary & dict() const
Return const access to the cloud dictionary.
const dimensionedScalar sigma
Stefan-Boltzmann constant: default SI units: [W/m^2/K^4].
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.