89 const bool notImplementedClosed =
false scalar lineLength_
The real line length.
dimensionedScalar lambda(viscosity->lookup("lambda"))
pointField points_
The control points or ends of each segments.
void operator=(const polyLine &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
scalar length() const
Return the length of the curve.
point position(const scalar) const
Return the point position corresponding to the curve parameter.
An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements.
void calcParam()
Precalculate the rational cumulative parameter value.
const pointField & points() const
Return const-access to the control-points.
polyLine(const pointField &, const bool notImplementedClosed=false)
Construct from components.
A series of straight line segments, which can also be interpreted as a series of control points for s...
scalarList param_
The rational (0-1) cumulative parameter value for each point.
label localParameter(scalar &lambda) const
Return the line segment and the local parameter [0..1].
label nSegments() const
Return the number of line segments.