label nCorrPimple() const
Maximum number of pimple correctors.
bool loop(correctorConvergenceControl &convergence)
Pimple loop.
const solutionControl & control_
Reference to the solution control.
Pimple loop class. Implements the logic which controls the pimple loop generically for a given correc...
bool anyPimpleIter() const
Flag to indicate any pimple iteration.
Corrector convergence control class. Provides methods to check the convergence of an inner iteration ...
label corrPimple_
Current pimple corrector.
virtual ~pimpleLoop()
bool finalPimpleIter() const
Flag to indicate the last pimple iteration.
virtual bool read()
Read controls.
bool firstPimpleIter() const
Flag to indicate the first pimple iteration.
pimpleLoop(const solutionControl &control)
Construct from a solution control.
label nCorrPimple_
Maximum number of pimple correctors.
Run-time type information.
bool converged_
Flag to indicate convergence of the pimple loop.