72 template<
class BasicMomentumTransportModel>
106 typedef typename BasicMomentumTransportModel::alphaField
107 typedef typename BasicMomentumTransportModel::rhoField
119 const alphaField&
145 alphaK_*this->
nut_ + this->
155 alphaOmega_*this->
nut_ + this->
virtual tmp< volScalarField > k() const
Return the turbulence kinetic energy.
const Boundary & boundaryField() const
Return const-reference to the boundary field.
virtual tmp< volScalarField > epsilon() const
Return the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate.
dimensionedScalar alphaK_
volScalarField alpha(IOobject("alpha", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE), lambda *max(Ua &U, zeroSensitivity))
Runtime type information.
wordList types() const
Return a list of the patch field types.
static tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > > New(const word &name, const Internal &, const PtrList< fvPatchField< scalar >> &)
Return a temporary field constructed from name,.
Eddy viscosity turbulence model base class.
BasicMomentumTransportModel::rhoField rhoField
tmp< volScalarField > DkEff() const
Return the effective diffusivity for k.
A class for handling words, derived from string.
tmp< volScalarField > DomegaEff() const
Return the effective diffusivity for omega.
dimensionedScalar alphaOmega_
BasicMomentumTransportModel::alphaField alphaField
virtual void correct()
Solve the turbulence equations and correct the turbulence viscosity.
Abstract base class for all fluid physical properties.
virtual void correctNut()
virtual bool read()
Read RASProperties dictionary.
virtual ~kOmega()
dimensionedScalar betaStar_
kOmega(const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const viscosity &viscosity, const word &type=typeName)
Construct from components.
fileType type(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: directory or file.
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrix > kSource() const
virtual tmp< volScalarField > omega() const
Return the turbulence specific dissipation rate.
A class for managing temporary objects.
virtual tmp< volScalarField > nu() const
Return the laminar viscosity.
Standard high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows...
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrix > omegaSource() const