30 template<
class Thermo>
34 const nonUniformTable&
35 const nonUniformTable&
kappa 44 template<
class Thermo>
57 template<
class Thermo>
68 template<
class Thermo>
81 template<
class Thermo>
92 template<
class Thermo>
99 return kappa_.
static autoPtr< icoTabulatedTransport > New(const dictionary &dict)
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e...
Transport properties package using non-uniformly-spaced tabulated data for viscosity and thermal cond...
autoPtr< icoTabulatedTransport > clone() const
Construct and return a clone.
const dimensionedScalar kappa
Coulomb constant: default SI units: [N.m2/C2].
A class for handling words, derived from string.
scalar kappa(const scalar p, const scalar T) const
Thermal conductivity [W/m/K].
const dimensionedScalar mu
Atomic mass unit.
scalar mu(const scalar p, const scalar T) const
Dynamic viscosity [kg/m/s].
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...