50 class polyTopoChangeMap;
87 mutable labelList* insertedFaceLabelsPtr_;
93 void calcAddressing()
125 virtual bool direct()
const 159 return insertedFaces_;
virtual label internalSizeBeforeMapping() const
Return number of internal faces before mapping.
This object provides mapping and fill-in information for face data between the two meshes after the t...
virtual const labelList & insertedObjectLabels() const
Return list of inserted faces.
virtual label sizeBeforeMapping() const
Return size of field before mapping.
Abstract base class to hold the Field mapping for mesh morphs.
virtual bool insertedObjects() const
Are there any inserted faces.
virtual const labelListList & addressing() const
Return interpolated addressing.
virtual const labelHashSet & flipFaceFlux() const
Return flux flip map.
Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology.
faceMapper(const polyTopoChangeMap &mpm)
Construct from polyTopoChangeMap.
virtual const scalarListList & weights() const
Return interpolation weights.
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
virtual bool direct() const
Is the mapping direct.
virtual ~faceMapper()
void operator=(const faceMapper &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
virtual const labelList & oldPatchStarts() const
Return old patch starts.
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
virtual label nOldInternalFaces() const
Return number of old internalFaces.
virtual const labelUList & directAddressing() const
Return direct addressing.
virtual const labelList & oldPatchSizes() const
Return old patch sizes.
virtual bool hasUnmapped() const
Are there unmapped values? I.e. do all size() elements get.