36 #ifndef cv2DControls_H 37 #define cv2DControls_H 52 Ostream&
const cv2DControls&);
205 inline scalar
208 inline scalar
229 inline scalar
Switch mirrorPoints_
Mirror near-boundary points rather than insert point-pairs.
scalar minCellSize_
Minimum cell size below which protrusions through the surface.
Switch insertSurfaceNearPointPairs_
Insert point-pairs vor dual-cell vertices very near the surface.
runTime controlDict().lookup("adjustTimeStep") >> adjustTimeStep
scalar randomPerturbation_
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e...
scalar maxNotchLen() const
Return the maxNotchLen.
scalar maxNotchLen2_
Square of maxNotchLen.
Switch objOutput() const
Return the objOutput Switch.
scalar span() const
Return the span.
scalar maxNotchLen2() const
Return the maxNotchLen squared.
A simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off, yes/no, y/n, t/f, or none/any.
scalar nearWallAlignedDist2() const
Return square of nearWallAlignedDist.
scalar nearWallAlignedDist2_
Square of nearWallAlignedDist.
A bounding box defined in terms of the points at its extremities.
scalar ppDist2_
Square of ppDist.
scalar minNearPointDist2() const
Return the minNearPointDist squared.
scalar nearWallAlignedDist_
Near-wall region where cells are aligned with the wall.
Switch meshedSurfaceOutput() const
Return the meshedSurfaceOutput Switch.
Switch insertSurfaceNearestPointPairs_
Insert near-boundary point mirror or point-pairs.
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;forAllConstIter(Cloud< passiveParticle >, particles, iter){ gmvFile<< iter().position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAllConstIter(Cloud< passiveParticle >, particles, iter){ gmvFile<< iter().position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAllConstIter(Cloud< passiveParticle >, particles, iter){ gmvFile<< iter().position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
void operator=(const cv2DControls &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
label maxBoundaryConformingIter_
scalar minNearPointDist() const
Return the minNearPointDist.
void write(Ostream &os) const
Write controls to output stream.
scalar ppDist_
Distance between boundary conforming point-pairs.
Switch randomiseInitialGrid_
scalar maxQuadAngle_
Maximum quadrant angle allowed at a concave corner before.
scalar ppDist() const
Return the ppDist.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
label maxBoundaryConformingIter() const
Return the maximum number of boundary conformation iterations.
scalar span2_
Square of span.
scalar minCellSize2() const
Return the square of the minimum cell size.
cv2DControls(const dictionary &controlDict, const boundBox &bb)
scalar minNearPointDist_
The minimum distance allowed between a dual-cell vertex.
scalar minEdgeLen2_
Square of minEdgeLen.
scalar span_
Maximum cartesian span of the geometry.
scalar maxQuadAngle() const
Return the maximum quadrant angle.
scalar minEdgeLen2() const
Return the minEdgeLen squared.
Controls for the 2D CV mesh generator.
scalar minNearPointDist2_
Square of minNearPoint.
Switch mirrorPoints() const
Return mirrorPoints Switch.
scalar minCellSize2_
Square of minCellSize.
Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &, const ensightPart &)
Switch insertSurfaceNearPointPairs() const
Return insertSurfaceNearPointPairs Switch.
scalar minCellSize() const
Return the minimum cell size.
scalar minEdgeLen_
Minimum edge-length of the cell size below which protrusions.
scalar minEdgeLen() const
Return the minEdgeLen.
scalar span2() const
Return the span squared.
Switch insertSurfaceNearestPointPairs() const
Return insertSurfaceNearestPointPairs Switch.
Switch randomiseInitialGrid() const
Return the randomise initial point layout Switch.
scalar randomPerturbation() const
Return the random perturbation factor.
scalar nearWallAlignedDist() const
Return number of layers to align with the nearest wall.
Switch meshedSurfaceOutput_
scalar maxNotchLen_
Maximum notch size below which protrusions into the surface are.