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cellSet Member List

This is the complete list of members for cellSet, including all inherited members.

addSet(const topoSet &set)topoSetvirtual
AUTO_WRITE enum valueIOobject
BAD enum valueIOobject
bad() constIOobjectinline
begin()HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
begin() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
capacity() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
caseName() constregIOobject
Foam::IOobject::caseName(const bool global) constIOobject
cbegin() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
cellSet(const IOobject &obj)cellSet
cellSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, readOption r=MUST_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const label sizes, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const topoSet &, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const labelHashSet &, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const Time &, const word &name, readOption r=MUST_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const Time &, const word &name, const label size, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const Time &, const word &name, const labelHashSet &, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)cellSet
cellSet(const cellSet &)=deletecellSet
check(const label maxLabel)topoSetprotected
clear()HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
clearStorage()HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
clone() consttopoSetinline
Foam::regIOobject::clone(const objectRegistry &registry) constIOobjectinline
const_iterator typedefHashSet< label, Hash< label > >
const_reference typedefHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
db() constIOobject
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, topoSet, word,(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, readOption r, writeOption w),(mesh, name, r, w))topoSet
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, topoSet, size,(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const label size, writeOption w),(mesh, name, size, w))topoSet
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, topoSet, set,(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const topoSet &set, writeOption w),(mesh, name, set, w))topoSet
deleteSet(const topoSet &set)topoSetvirtual
empty() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
erase(const iterator &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
erase(const label &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
erase(const UList< label > &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
erase(const HashTable< AnyType, label, AnyHash > &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
erase(const HashTable< AnyType, label, AnyHash > &rhs)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
eventNo() constregIOobjectinline
fileCheckTypes enum nameIOobject
fileNameComponents(const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)IOobjectstatic
filePath() constregIOobject
Foam::IOobject::filePath(const word &typeName, const bool global) constIOobject
find(const label &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
find(const label &) constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
found(const label &) constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
global() constregIOobjectvirtual
globalFile() constregIOobjectvirtual
GOOD enum valueIOobject
good() constIOobjectinline
group(const word &name)IOobjectstatic
group() constIOobject
groupName(Name name, const word &group)IOobjectinlinestatic
groupName(Name name, const word &group)IOobjectinline
HashSet(const label size=128)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
HashSet(Istream &is)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
HashSet(const UList< label > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashSet(const FixedList< label, Size > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashSet(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &hs)=defaultHashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashSet(HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &&hs)=defaultHashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashSet(const HashTable< AnyType, label, AnyHash > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashSet(std::initializer_list< label >)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashTable(const label size=128)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
HashTable(Istream &, const label size=128)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
HashTable(const HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
HashTable(HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &&)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
HashTable(std::initializer_list< Tuple2< label, nil >>)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
headerClassName() constIOobjectinline
info() constIOobjectinline
inotify enum valueIOobject
inotifyMaster enum valueIOobject
insert(const label &key)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
insert(const UList< label > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::insert(const label &, const nil &newElmt)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
instance() constIOobject
invert(const label maxLen)topoSetvirtual
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOobject(const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOobject(const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)IOobject
IOobject(const IOobject &io, const word &name)IOobject
IOobject(const IOobject &io)=defaultIOobject
iterator typedefHashSet< label, Hash< label > >
local() constIOobjectinline
localPath(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name)topoSetstatic
maxSize(const polyMesh &mesh) constcellSetvirtual
member(const word &name)IOobjectstatic
member() constIOobject
modelName(Name name, const word &model)IOobjectinlinestatic
modelName(const char *name) constIOobjectinline
modelName(Name name, const word &model)IOobjectinline
modified() constregIOobjectvirtual
MUST_READ enum valueIOobject
MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED enum valueIOobject
name() constIOobjectinline
New(const word &setType, const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, readOption r=MUST_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)topoSetstatic
New(const word &setType, const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const label size, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)topoSetstatic
New(const word &setType, const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const topoSet &set, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)topoSetstatic
NO_READ enum valueIOobject
NO_WRITE enum valueIOobject
note() constIOobjectinline
objectPath() constregIOobjectinline
Foam::IOobject::objectPath(const bool global) constIOobjectinline
objectState enum nameIOobject
operator!=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &) constHashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::operator!=(const HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &) constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
operator&=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
operator()(const label &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
operator+=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &rhs)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
operator-=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
operator=(const topoSet &)topoSet
Foam::regIOobject::operator=(const IOobject &)regIOobject
HashSet< label, Hash< label > >::operator=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashSet< label, Hash< label > >::operator=(HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &&)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::operator=(const HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::operator=(HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &&)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::operator=(std::initializer_list< Tuple2< label, nil >>)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
operator==(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &) constHashSet< label, Hash< label > >
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::operator==(const HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &) constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
operator[](const label &) constHashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::operator[](const label &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
operator^=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
operator|=(const HashSet< label, Hash< label > > &)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >
ownedByRegistry() constregIOobjectinline
path() constregIOobject
Foam::IOobject::path(const bool global) constIOobject
printInfo(Ostream &) constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
READ_IF_PRESENT enum valueIOobject
readData(Istream &)regIOobjectvirtual
readHeader(Istream &)IOobject
readHeaderOk(const IOstream::streamFormat defaultFormat, const word &typeName)regIOobjectprotected
readOpt() constIOobjectinline
readOption enum nameIOobject
readStream(const word &, const bool read=true)regIOobject
reference typedefHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
regIOobject(const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &&)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)regIOobject
regIOobject(const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)regIOobject
regIOobject(const IOobject &, const regIOobject &)regIOobject
registered() constregIOobjectinline
registerObject() constIOobjectinline
relativeObjectPath() constIOobjectinline
relativePath() constIOobject
rename(const word &newName)regIOobjectvirtual
resize(const label newSize)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
rootPath() constIOobject
set(const label &key)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
set(const UList< label > &lst)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >::set(const label &, const nil &newElmt)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
setBad(const string &)IOobjectprotected
shrink()HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
size() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >inline
size_type typedefHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
sortedToc() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
store(Type *)regIOobjectinlinestatic
store(autoPtr< Type > &)regIOobjectinlinestatic
subset(const topoSet &set)topoSetvirtual
sync(const polyMesh &mesh)cellSetinlinevirtual
time() constIOobject
timeStamp enum valueIOobject
timeStampMaster enum valueIOobject
toc() constHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
topoChange(const polyTopoChangeMap &map)cellSetvirtual
topoSet(const IOobject &, const word &wantedType)topoSet
topoSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &wantedType, const word &name, readOption r=MUST_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)topoSet
topoSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const label, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)topoSet
topoSet(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &name, const labelHashSet &, writeOption w=NO_WRITE)topoSet
topoSet(const IOobject &, const label size)topoSet
topoSet(const IOobject &, const labelHashSet &)topoSet
topoSet(const topoSet &)=deletetopoSet
transfer(HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > > &)HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
typeHeaderOk(const bool checkType)IOobjectprotected
unset(const label &key)HashSet< label, Hash< label > >inline
updateInstance() constIOobject
updateLabels(const labelList &map)topoSetprotected
upToDate(const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) constregIOobject
value_type typedefHashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >
warnNoRereading() constIOobject
watchIndices() constregIOobjectinline
write(const bool write=true) constregIOobjectvirtual
writeBanner(Stream &os, bool noHint=false)IOobjectinlinestatic
writeData(Ostream &) consttopoSetvirtual
writeDebug(Ostream &os, const primitiveMesh &, const label maxLen) constcellSetvirtual
Foam::topoSet::writeDebug(Ostream &os, const label maxElem, topoSet::const_iterator &iter, label &elemI) consttopoSetprotected
Foam::topoSet::writeDebug(Ostream &os, const pointField &coords, const label maxElem, topoSet::const_iterator &iter, label &elemI) consttopoSetprotected
Foam::topoSet::writeDebug(Ostream &os, const pointField &coords, const label maxLen) consttopoSetprotected
Foam::topoSet::writeDebug(Ostream &os, const label maxLen) consttopoSetvirtual
writeDivider(Stream &os)IOobjectinlinestatic
writeEndDivider(Stream &os)IOobjectinlinestatic
writeHeader(Ostream &) constIOobject
writeHeader(Ostream &, const word &objectType) constIOobject
writeObject(IOstream::streamFormat, IOstream::versionNumber, IOstream::compressionType, const bool write) constregIOobjectvirtual
writeOpt() constIOobjectinline
writeOption enum nameIOobject
~HashTable()HashTable< nil, label, Hash< label > >