182 const plane& cutPlane,
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, cellLooper, word,(const polyMesh &mesh),(mesh))
label getFirstVertEdge(const label facei, const label vertI) const
Get first edge connected to vertI and on facei.
Abstract base class. Concrete implementations know how to cut a cell (i.e. determine a loop around th...
Geometric class that creates a 2D plane and can return the intersection point between a line and the ...
labelList getVertFacesNonEdge(const label celli, const label edgeI, const label vertI) const
Get faces (on cell) connected to vertI which are not using edgeI.
autoPtr< cellLooper > clone() const
label getMisAlignedEdge(const vector &refDir, const label celli) const
Return edge from cellEdges that is most perpendicular.
cellLooper(const polyMesh &mesh)
Construct from components.
A class for handling words, derived from string.
Combines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference.
void operator=(const cellLooper &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
labelList getVertEdgesNonFace(const label celli, const label facei, const label vertI) const
Get edges (on cell) connected to vertI which are not on facei.
const polyMesh & mesh() const
virtual ~cellLooper()
virtual bool cut(const vector &refDir, const label celli, const boolList &vertIsCut, const boolList &edgeIsCut, const scalarField &edgeWeight, labelList &loop, scalarField &loopWeights) const =0
Create cut along circumference of celli. Gets current mesh cuts.
fileType type(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: directory or file.
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
static autoPtr< cellLooper > New(const word &type, const polyMesh &mesh)
Return a reference to the selected cellLooper.
#define NotImplemented
Issue a FatalErrorIn for a function not currently implemented.
Runtime type information.