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1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration | Website:
5  \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2011-2022 OpenFOAM Foundation
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14  (at your option) any later version.
16  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
19  for more details.
21  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
24 Class
25  Foam::addPatchCellLayer
27 Description
28  Adds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch. Can optionally create
29  stand-alone extruded mesh (addToMesh=false).
31  Call setRefinement with offset vector for every patch point and number
32  of layers per patch face and number of layers per patch point.
33  - offset vector should be zero for any non-manifold point and synchronised
34  on coupled points before calling this.
35  - offset vector of zero will not add any points.
36  - gets supplied the number of extruded layers both per face and per
37  point. Usually the point nlayers is the max of surrounding face nlayers.
39  point nlayers:
40  - 0 : no extrusion. Any surrounding face being extruded becomes 'prism'
41  - >0 : should be max of surrounding face nlayers.
43  - differing face nlayers: 'termination' : (e.g. from 2 to 4 layers) match
44  at original patch face side.
46  E.g. 2 boundary faces on patches a,b. 2 layers for a, 3 for b.
48  \verbatim
49  Was:
51  a b <- patch of boundary face
52  +------+------+
53  | | | <- original cells
54  +------+------+
56  Becomes:
58  a b <- patch of boundary face
59  +------+------+
60  + +------+
61  +------+------+
62  +------+------+
63  | | | <- original cells
64  +------+------+
65  \endverbatim
68  - added faces get same patchID as face they are extruded from
69  - 'side' faces (i.e. on the edge of pp) get the patchID/zoneID of the
70  other patch/zone they are connected to (hopefully only 1)
73  E.g. 3 boundary faces on patches a,b. b gets extruded, a doesn't.
75  \verbatim
76  a b b <- patch of boundary face
77  +------+------+------+
78  | | | | <- cells
79  +------+------+------+
82  ^ ^ <- wanted extrusion vector (none at far right)
83  a | b | b <- patch of boundary face
84  +------+------+------+
85  | | | | <- cells
86  +------+------+------+
88  b
89  +------+\ b 1. prism cell added onto second b face since
90  a a| | ----\ only one side gets extruded.
91  +------+------+------+ 2. side-face gets patch a, not b.
92  | | | |
93  +------+------+------+
94  \endverbatim
97 SourceFiles
98  addPatchCellLayer.C
100 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
102 #ifndef addPatchCellLayer_H
103 #define addPatchCellLayer_H
105 #include "labelList.H"
106 #include "typeInfo.H"
107 #include "labelPair.H"
108 #include "indirectPrimitivePatch.H"
110 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
112 namespace Foam
113 {
115 // Forward declaration of classes
116 class polyMesh;
117 class polyTopoChange;
118 class polyTopoChangeMap;
119 class primitiveMesh;
120 class globalIndex;
122 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
123  Class addPatchCellLayer Declaration
124 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
126 class addPatchCellLayer
127 {
128  // Private classes
130  // To combineReduce a labelList. Filters out duplicates.
131  class uniqueEqOp
132  {
134  public:
136  void operator()(labelList& x, const labelList& y) const
137  {
138  if (x.empty())
139  {
140  if (y.size())
141  {
142  x = y;
143  }
144  }
145  else
146  {
147  forAll(y, yi)
148  {
149  if (findIndex(x, y[yi]) == -1)
150  {
151  label sz = x.size();
152  x.setSize(sz+1);
153  x[sz] = y[yi];
154  }
155  }
156  }
157  }
158  };
162  // Private Data
164  //- Reference to mesh
165  const polyMesh& mesh_;
167  //- Add layers to existing mesh or create new mesh
168  const bool addToMesh_;
170  //- For all patchpoints: list of added points (size 0 or nLayers)
171  // First point in list is one nearest to original point in patch,
172  // last one is the new point on the surface.
173  labelListList addedPoints_;
175  //- For all patchfaces: list of layer faces.
176  // - empty if no face extruded
177  // - first face is original boundary face
178  // - last one is new boundary face.
179  labelListList layerFaces_;
182  // Private Member Functions
184  //- Get the face on the other side of the edge.
185  static label nbrFace
186  (
187  const labelListList& edgeFaces,
188  const label edgeI,
189  const label facei
190  );
192  //- Add vertex to face if unique.
193  static void addVertex(const label, face&, label& fp);
195  bool sameEdgeNeighbour
196  (
197  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
199  const boolList& doneEdge,
200  const label thisGlobalFacei,
201  const label nbrGlobalFacei,
202  const label edgeI
203  ) const;
205  labelPair getEdgeString
206  (
207  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
208  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
209  const boolList& doneEdge,
210  const label patchFacei,
211  const label globalFacei
212  ) const;
215  //- Add face between layer-1 and layer.
216  label addSideFace
217  (
218  const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
219  const labelListList& addedCells,
221  const face& newFace,
222  const label newPatchID,
224  const label ownFacei,
225  const label nbrFacei,
226  const label meshEdgeI,
227  const label layerI,
228  const label numEdgeFaces,
229  const labelList& meshFaces,
231  ) const;
233  //- Find patch to neighbouring processor
234  static label findProcPatch(const polyMesh&, const label nbrProcID);
236  //- Extract properties from mesh face
237  static void setFaceProps
238  (
239  const polyMesh&,
240  const label,
241  label&,
242  label&,
243  bool&
244  );
247 public:
249  //- Runtime type information
250  ClassName("addPatchCellLayer");
253  // Constructors
255  //- Construct from mesh.
256  addPatchCellLayer(const polyMesh&, const bool addToMesh = true);
258  //- Disallow default bitwise copy construction
259  addPatchCellLayer(const addPatchCellLayer&) = delete;
262  // Member Functions
265  // Access
267  //- Added points per patch point.
268  const labelListList& addedPoints() const
269  {
270  return addedPoints_;
271  }
273  //- Layer faces per patch face. See above.
274  const labelListList& layerFaces() const
275  {
276  return layerFaces_;
277  }
279  //- Helper: get added cells per patch face.
280  // addedCells[patchFace] is list of cells added. Last element is
281  // the top cells (i.e. the boundary cell)
283  (
284  const polyMesh&,
286  );
288  //- Added cells given current mesh & layerfaces.
289  labelListList addedCells() const;
292  // Edit
294  //- Per patch edge the pp faces (in global indices) using it. Uses
295  // uniqueEqOp() to remove duplicates.
297  (
298  const polyMesh&,
299  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
300  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp
301  );
303  //- Boundary edges get extruded into boundary faces. Determine patch
304  // for these faces. This might be a to-be-created processor patch
305  // (patchi >= mesh.boundaryMesh().size()) in which case the
306  // nbrProcToPatch, patchToNbrProc give the correspondence. nPatches
307  // is the new number of patches.
308  static void calcSidePatch
309  (
310  const polyMesh&,
311  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
312  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
313  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
315  labelList& sidePatchID,
316  label& nPatches,
317  Map<label>& nbrProcToPatch,
318  Map<label>& patchToNbrProc
319  );
321  //- Play commands into polyTopoChange to create layers on top
322  // of indirectPrimitivePatch (have to be outside faces).
323  // Gets displacement per patch point.
324  // - exposedPatchID : only used if creating a new mesh
325  // (addToMesh=false) gives per pp face the patch the
326  // exposed face should get.
327  // - nPointLayers : number of layers per (patch)point.
328  // - nFaceLayers : number of layers per (patch) face.
329  // - firstDisplacement : displacement per point for first
330  // layer of points (i.e. nearest to original mesh). If zero
331  // do not add point.
332  // Layer thicknesses are calculated to constant geometric
333  // expansion. Use expansionRatio 1 for constant size.
334  // Sets addedPoints_ which is per pp point a list of points
335  // added.
336  // Note: firstDisplacement has to be parallel synchronised before
337  // calling this routine. Only if all procs sharing a point
338  // get a cell should firstDisplacement be <> 0
339  // Note: cells get added from owner cells of patch faces
340  // (instead of e.g. from patch faces)
341  void setRefinement
342  (
343  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
344  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
345  const scalarField& expansionRatio,
346  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
347  const labelList& sidePatchID,
348  const labelList& exposedPatchID,
349  const labelList& nFaceLayers,
350  const labelList& nPointLayers,
351  const vectorField& firstLayerDisp,
352  polyTopoChange& meshMod
353  );
356  //- Add with constant expansion ratio and same nLayers everywhere
358  (
359  const globalIndex& globalFaces,
360  const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
361  const label nLayers,
362  const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
363  const labelList& sidePatchID,
364  const vectorField& overallDisplacement,
365  polyTopoChange& meshMod
366  )
367  {
369  (
370  globalFaces,
371  globalEdgeFaces,
372  scalarField(pp.nPoints(), 1.0), // expansion ration
373  pp,
374  sidePatchID,
375  labelList(0),
376  labelList(pp.size(), nLayers), // nFaceLayers
377  labelList(pp.nPoints(), nLayers), // nPointLayers
378  overallDisplacement / nLayers, // firstLayerDisp
379  meshMod
380  );
381  }
384  //- Update any locally stored mesh information. Gets additional
385  // map from new to old patch (since patch needs to be
386  // recreated since has to be on outside).
387  void topoChange
388  (
389  const polyTopoChangeMap&,
390  const labelList& faceMap, // new to old patch faces
391  const labelList& pointMap // new to old patch points
392  );
395  // Member Operators
397  //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
398  void operator=(const addPatchCellLayer&) = delete;
399 };
402 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
404 } // End namespace Foam
406 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
408 #endif
410 // ************************************************************************* //
label nPatches
Definition: readKivaGrid.H:402
label nPoints() const
Return number of points supporting patch faces.
const labelListList & addedPoints() const
Added points per patch point.
void operator=(const addPatchCellLayer &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: UList.H:434
bool empty() const
Return true if the UList is empty (ie, size() is zero)
Definition: UListI.H:325
A face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices.
Definition: face.H:75
void size(const label)
Override size to be inconsistent with allocated storage.
Definition: ListI.H:164
Runtime type information.
const labelListList & layerFaces() const
Layer faces per patch face. See above.
Pair< int > faceMap(const label facePi, const face &faceP, const label faceNi, const face &faceN)
scalar y
A list of faces which address into the list of points.
Calculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local inde...
Definition: globalIndex.H:63
An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements.
Definition: contiguous.H:49
void topoChange(const polyTopoChangeMap &, const labelList &faceMap, const labelList &pointMap)
Update any locally stored mesh information. Gets additional.
Adds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch. Can optionally create stand-alone extruded mesh (addToM...
Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology.
Field< scalar > scalarField
Specialisation of Field<T> for scalar.
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
Definition: labelList.H:56
label findIndex(const ListType &, typename ListType::const_reference, const label start=0)
Find first occurrence of given element and return index,.
void setSize(const label)
Reset size of List.
Definition: List.C:281
Direct mesh changes based on v1.3 polyTopoChange syntax.
addPatchCellLayer(const polyMesh &, const bool addToMesh=true)
Construct from mesh.
static labelListList globalEdgeFaces(const polyMesh &, const globalIndex &globalFaces, const indirectPrimitivePatch &pp)
Per patch edge the pp faces (in global indices) using it. Uses.
labelListList addedCells() const
Added cells given current mesh & layerfaces.
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
Definition: polyMesh.H:76
void setRefinement(const globalIndex &globalFaces, const labelListList &globalEdgeFaces, const scalarField &expansionRatio, const indirectPrimitivePatch &pp, const labelList &sidePatchID, const labelList &exposedPatchID, const labelList &nFaceLayers, const labelList &nPointLayers, const vectorField &firstLayerDisp, polyTopoChange &meshMod)
Play commands into polyTopoChange to create layers on top.
static void calcSidePatch(const polyMesh &, const globalIndex &globalFaces, const labelListList &globalEdgeFaces, const indirectPrimitivePatch &pp, labelList &sidePatchID, label &nPatches, Map< label > &nbrProcToPatch, Map< label > &patchToNbrProc)
Boundary edges get extruded into boundary faces. Determine patch.
Namespace for OpenFOAM.