36 #ifndef GAMGInterfaceField_H 37 #define GAMGInterfaceField_H 79 (GAMGCp, fineInterface)
GAMGInterfaceField(const GAMGInterface &GAMGCp, const lduInterfaceField &)
Construct from GAMG interface and fine level interface field.
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, GAMGInterfaceField, lduInterfaceField,(const GAMGInterface &GAMGCp, const lduInterfaceField &fineInterface),(GAMGCp, fineInterface))
An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields...
static autoPtr< GAMGInterfaceField > New(const GAMGInterface &GAMGCp, const lduInterfaceField &fineInterface)
Return a pointer to a new interface created on freestore given.
Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interfaces.
Runtime type information.
An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interfaces e.g. processor and cyclic patches...
const GAMGInterface & interface() const
Return interface.
Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interface fields.
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
void operator=(const GAMGInterfaceField &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.