40 #ifndef solidDisplacement_H
41 #define solidDisplacement_H
Generic GeometricField class.
A simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off,...
Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation.
Fundamental solid thermodynamic properties.
const fvMesh & mesh
Region mesh.
Solver module for steady or transient segregated finite-volume solution of linear-elastic,...
virtual void thermophysicalPredictor()
Construct and solve the energy equation,.
const solidDisplacementThermo & thermo
Reference to the solid thermophysical properties.
const volScalarField & nu
Poisson's ratio.
scalar convergenceTolerance
Convergence tolerance for the displacement/stress correctors.
virtual ~solidDisplacement()
virtual void prePredictor()
Called at the beginning of the PIMPLE loop.
const volScalarField threeKalpha
virtual void postSolve()
Called after the PIMPLE loop at the end of the time-step.
scalar accFac
Acceleration factor for faster steady-state simulations.
Switch compactNormalStress
Switch for normal stress discretisation (required)
const volScalarField lambda
Lame's coefficient.
Runtime type information.
const volScalarField threeK
const volScalarField & E
Young's modulus.
virtual bool dependenciesModified() const
Return true if the solver's dependencies have been modified.
solidDisplacement(fvMesh &mesh)
Construct from region mesh.
const volVectorField & D
Reference to the Displacement field.
const volScalarField mu
Lame's coefficient.
volVectorField divSigmaExp
Divergence of the explicit part of the stress.
virtual void pressureCorrector()
Construct and solve the displacement equation to obtain the stress.
virtual void postCorrector()
Correct the thermophysical transport modelling.
volSymmTensorField sigmaD
Stress field.
volVectorField D_
Displacement field.
int nCorr
Maximum number of displacement/stress correctors per time-step.
solidDisplacementThermo & thermo_
virtual bool read()
Read controls.
void operator=(const solidDisplacement &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
Solver module for thermal transport in solid domains and regions for conjugate heat transfer,...