39 return (Alpha - Beta*phi)*
52 return explicitDelta(phi, dtEff(dt, Beta), Alpha, Beta);
68 explicitDelta(phi, dt, alphai, betai)
69 - explicitDelta(phi, sumDtEff(dt, Beta), Alpha, Beta)*betai;
Type partialDelta(const Type &phi, const scalar dt, const Type &Alpha, const scalar Beta, const Type &alphai, const scalar betai) const
Perform a part of the integration.
Type delta(const Type &phi, const scalar dt, const Type &Alpha, const scalar Beta) const
Perform the integration.
static Type explicitDelta(const Type &phi, const scalar dtEff, const Type &Alpha, const scalar Beta)
Perform the integration explicitly.
virtual scalar dtEff(const scalar dt, const scalar Beta) const =0
Return the integration effective time step.