37 #ifndef SphericalTensor2D_H
38 #define SphericalTensor2D_H
54 public VectorSpace<SphericalTensor2D<Cmpt>, Cmpt, 1>
101 inline const Cmpt&
An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc)....
Templated 2D sphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component,...
static const SphericalTensor2D twoThirdsI
static const direction rank
Rank of SphericalTensor2D is 2.
Component labeling enumeration.
Construct null.
static const SphericalTensor2D oneThirdI
static const SphericalTensor2D I
A class representing the concept of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects that are kn...