This is the complete list of members for molecule, including all inherited members.
a() const | molecule | inline |
a() | molecule | inline |
autoMap(const vector &position, const mapPolyMesh &mapper) | particle< Type > | |
cell() const | particle< Type > | inline |
clone() const | molecule | inlinevirtual |
Cloud< molecule > class | molecule | friend |
coordinates() const | particle< Type > | inline |
correctAfterInteractionListReferral(const label celli) | particle< Type > | |
correctAfterParallelTransfer(const label patchi, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | |
currentTetIndices() const | particle< Type > | inline |
currentTetTransform() const | particle< Type > | inline |
currentTimeFraction() const | particle< Type > | inline |
deviationFromMeshCentre() const | particle< Type > | |
face() const | particle< Type > | inline |
getNewParticleID() const | particle< Type > | inline |
hitCyclicACMIPatch(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitCyclicAMIPatch(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitCyclicPatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitCyclicRepeatAMIPatch(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitFace(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | |
hitFaceNoChangeToMasterPatch(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | |
hitPatch(moleculeCloud &cloud, trackingData &td) | molecule | |
Foam::particle::hitPatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitProcessorPatch(moleculeCloud &cloud, trackingData &td) | molecule | |
Foam::particle::hitProcessorPatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitSymmetryPatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitSymmetryPlanePatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitWallPatch(moleculeCloud &cloud, trackingData &td) | molecule | |
Foam::particle::hitWallPatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
hitWedgePatch(TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) | particle< Type > | protected |
id() const | molecule | inline |
mesh() const | particle< Type > | inline |
molecule(const polyMesh &mesh, const barycentric &coordinates, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPti, const tensor &Q, const vector &v, const vector &a, const vector &pi, const vector &tau, const vector &specialPosition, const constantProperties &constProps, const label special, const label id) | molecule | inline |
molecule(const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli, const tensor &Q, const vector &v, const vector &a, const vector &pi, const vector &tau, const vector &specialPosition, const constantProperties &constProps, const label special, const label id) | molecule | inline |
molecule(const polyMesh &mesh, Istream &is, bool readFields=true) | molecule | |
move(moleculeCloud &, trackingData &, const scalar trackTime) | molecule | |
normal() const | particle< Type > | inline |
NOT_SPECIAL enum value | molecule | |
onBoundaryFace() const | particle< Type > | inline |
onFace() const | particle< Type > | inline |
onInternalFace() const | particle< Type > | inline |
operator<<(Ostream &, const molecule &) | molecule | friend |
origId() const | particle< Type > | inline |
origId() | particle< Type > | inline |
origProc() const | particle< Type > | inline |
origProc() | particle< Type > | inline |
particle(const polyMesh &mesh, const barycentric &coordinates, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPti) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const polyMesh &mesh, Istream &, bool readFields=true) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const particle &p) | particle< Type > | |
particle(const particle &p, const polyMesh &mesh) | particle< Type > | |
particleCount_ | particle< Type > | static |
patch() const | particle< Type > | inline |
patchData(vector &normal, vector &displacement) const | particle< Type > | inline |
pi() const | molecule | inline |
pi() | molecule | inline |
position() const | particle< Type > | inline |
potentialEnergy() const | molecule | inline |
potentialEnergy() | molecule | inline |
prepareForInteractionListReferral(const vectorTensorTransform &transform) | particle< Type > | |
prepareForParallelTransfer() | particle< Type > | |
procTetPt(const polyMesh &procMesh, const label procCell, const label procTetFace) const | particle< Type > | |
propertyList() | particle< Type > | inlinestatic |
propertyList_ | particle< Type > | static |
Q() const | molecule | inline |
Q() | molecule | inline |
readFields(Cloud< molecule > &mC) | molecule | static |
Foam::particle::readFields(TrackCloudType &c) | particle< Type > | static |
reset() | particle< Type > | inline |
rf() const | molecule | inline |
rf() | molecule | inline |
setSitePositions(const constantProperties &constProps) | molecule | |
setSiteSizes(label size) | molecule | |
siteForces() const | molecule | inline |
siteForces() | molecule | inline |
sitePositions() const | molecule | inline |
sitePositions() | molecule | inline |
special() const | molecule | inline |
SPECIAL_FROZEN enum value | molecule | |
SPECIAL_TETHERED enum value | molecule | |
SPECIAL_USER enum value | molecule | |
specialPosition() const | molecule | inline |
specialPosition() | molecule | inline |
specialTypes enum name | molecule | |
stepFraction() const | particle< Type > | inline |
stepFraction() | particle< Type > | inline |
stepFractionSpan() const | particle< Type > | inline |
tau() const | molecule | inline |
tau() | molecule | inline |
tetFace() const | particle< Type > | inline |
tethered() const | molecule | inline |
tetPt() const | particle< Type > | inline |
track(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction) | particle< Type > | |
trackToAndHitFace(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | |
trackToAndHitFace(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) | particle< Type > | |
trackToCell(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction) | particle< Type > | |
trackToFace(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction) | particle< Type > | |
trackToMovingTri(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, label &tetTriI) | particle< Type > | |
trackToStationaryTri(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, label &tetTriI) | particle< Type > | |
trackToTri(const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, label &tetTriI) | particle< Type > | |
transformProperties(const tensor &T) | molecule | virtual |
transformProperties(const vector &separation) | molecule | virtual |
TypeName("particle") | particle< Type > | |
v() const | molecule | inline |
v() | molecule | inline |
writeFields(const Cloud< molecule > &mC) | molecule | static |
Foam::particle::writeFields(const TrackCloudType &c) | particle< Type > | static |
writePosition(Ostream &) const | particle< Type > | |
~particle() | particle< Type > | inlinevirtual |