This is the complete list of members for heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType >, including all inherited members.
alphaEff(const volScalarField &alphat) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
alphaEff(const scalarField &alphat, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
composition() | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | inlinevirtual |
composition() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | inlinevirtual |
Cp(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
Cp() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
CpByCpv() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
CpByCpv(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
Cpv(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
Cpv() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
Cv(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
Cv() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
gamma() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
gamma(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
hc() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
he() | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | inlinevirtual |
he() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | inlinevirtual |
he(const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
he(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
he(const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
he_ | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | protected |
heBoundaryCorrection(volScalarField &he) | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | protected |
heThermo(const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName) | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | |
heThermo(const fvMesh &, const dictionary &, const word &phaseName) | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | |
incompressible() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | inlinevirtual |
isochoric() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | inlinevirtual |
kappa() const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
kappa(const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
kappaEff(const volScalarField &) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
kappaEff(const scalarField &alphat, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
read() | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
THE(const scalarField &he, const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T0, const labelList &cells) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
THE(const scalarField &he, const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T0, const label patchi) const | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |
~heThermo() | heThermo< BasicThermo, MixtureType > | virtual |