This is the complete list of members for boundaryMesh, including all inherited members.
addPatch(const word &patchName) | boundaryMesh | |
boundaryMesh() | boundaryMesh | |
changeFaces(const labelList &patchIDs, labelList &oldToNew) | boundaryMesh | |
changePatchType(const word &patchName, const word &type) | boundaryMesh | |
ClassName("boundaryMesh") | boundaryMesh | |
clearOut() | boundaryMesh | |
deletePatch(const word &patchName) | boundaryMesh | |
edgeToFeature() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
extraEdges() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
featureEdges() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
featurePoints() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
featureSegments() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
featureToEdge() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
findPatchID(const word &patchName) const | boundaryMesh | |
getNearest(const primitiveMesh &pMesh, const vector &searchSpan) const | boundaryMesh | |
getNPoints(const label startFacei, const label nFaces) const | boundaryMesh | |
getNTris(const label facei) const | boundaryMesh | |
getNTris(const label startFacei, const label nFaces, labelList &nTris) const | boundaryMesh | |
markFaces(const labelList &protectedEdges, const label facei, boolList &visited) const | boundaryMesh | |
mesh() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
meshFace() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
patches() const | boundaryMesh | inline |
patchify(const labelList &nearest, const polyBoundaryMesh &oldPatches, polyMesh &newMesh) const | boundaryMesh | |
patchNames() const | boundaryMesh | |
read(const polyMesh &) | boundaryMesh | |
readTriSurface(const fileName &) | boundaryMesh | |
setExtraEdges(const label edgeI) | boundaryMesh | |
setFeatureEdges(const scalar minCos) | boundaryMesh | |
triangulate(const label startFacei, const label nFaces, const label totalNTris, labelList &triVerts) const | boundaryMesh | |
triangulateLocal(const label startFacei, const label nFaces, const label totalNTris, labelList &triVerts, labelList &localToGlobal) const | boundaryMesh | |
whichPatch(const label facei) const | boundaryMesh | |
writeTriSurface(const fileName &) const | boundaryMesh | |
~boundaryMesh() | boundaryMesh |