polyTopoChange Member List

This is the complete list of members for polyTopoChange, including all inherited members.

addCell(const label masterCellID)polyTopoChange
addFace(const face &f, const label own, const label nei, const label masterFaceID, const bool flipFaceFlux, const label patchID)polyTopoChange
addPoint(const point &, const label masterPointID, const bool inCell)polyTopoChange
cellRemoved(const label celli) constpolyTopoChangeinline
changeMesh(polyMesh &mesh, const bool syncParallel=true, const bool orderCells=false, const bool orderPoints=false)polyTopoChange
faceNeighbour() constpolyTopoChangeinline
faceOwner() constpolyTopoChangeinline
faceRemoved(const label facei) constpolyTopoChangeinline
faces() constpolyTopoChangeinline
makeMesh(autoPtr< fvMesh > &newMesh, const IOobject &io, const polyMesh &mesh, const bool syncParallel=true, const bool orderCells=false, const bool orderPoints=false)polyTopoChange
modifyFace(const face &f, const label facei, const label own, const label nei, const bool flipFaceFlux, const label patchID)polyTopoChange
modifyPoint(const label, const point &, const bool inCell)polyTopoChange
pointRemoved(const label pointi) constpolyTopoChangeinline
points() constpolyTopoChangeinline
polyTopoChange(const label nPatches, const bool strict=true)polyTopoChange
polyTopoChange(const polyMesh &mesh, const bool strict=true)polyTopoChange
region() constpolyTopoChangeinline
removeCell(const label, const label)polyTopoChange
removeFace(const label, const label)polyTopoChange
removePoint(const label, const label)polyTopoChange
setCapacity(const label nPoints, const label nFaces, const label nCells)polyTopoChange
setNumPatches(const label nPatches)polyTopoChangeinline