boundBox Member List

This is the complete list of members for boundBox, including all inherited members.

avgDim() constboundBoxinline
boundBox(const point &min, const point &max)boundBoxinline
boundBox(const UList< point > &, const bool doReduce=true)boundBox
boundBox(const tmp< pointField > &, const bool doReduce=true)boundBox
boundBox(const UList< point > &, const labelUList &indices, const bool doReduce=true)boundBox
boundBox(const UList< point > &, const FixedList< label, Size > &indices, const bool doReduce=true)boundBox
boundBox(const dictionary &)boundBoxinline
boundBox(Istream &)boundBoxinline
contains(const point &) constboundBoxinline
contains(const boundBox &) constboundBoxinline
contains(const UList< point > &) constboundBox
contains(const UList< point > &, const labelUList &indices) constboundBox
contains(const UList< point > &, const FixedList< label, Size > &indices) constboundBox
containsAny(const UList< point > &) constboundBox
containsAny(const UList< point > &, const labelUList &indices) constboundBox
containsAny(const UList< point > &, const FixedList< label, Size > &indices) constboundBox
containsInside(const point &) constboundBoxinline
inflate(const scalar s)boundBox
mag() constboundBoxinline
max() constboundBoxinline
maxDim() constboundBoxinline
midpoint() constboundBoxinline
min() constboundBoxinline
minDim() constboundBoxinline
nearest(const point &) constboundBox
operator!=(const boundBox &, const boundBox &)boundBoxfriend
operator<<(Ostream &, const boundBox &)boundBoxfriend
operator==(const boundBox &, const boundBox &)boundBoxfriend
operator>>(Istream &, boundBox &)boundBoxfriend
overlaps(const boundBox &) constboundBoxinline
overlaps(const point &, const scalar radiusSqr) constboundBoxinline
points() constboundBox
span() constboundBoxinline
volume() constboundBoxinline