This is the complete list of members for Time, including all inherited members.
addTemporaryObject(const word &name) const | objectRegistry | |
addWatch() | regIOobject | |
adjustDeltaT() | Time | protected |
AUTO_WRITE enum value | IOobject | |
bad() const | IOobject | inline |
BAD enum value | IOobject | |
begin() | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
begin() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
beginTime() const | Time | virtual |
beginTime_ | Time | protected |
cacheTemporaryObject(const word &name) const | objectRegistry | |
cacheTemporaryObject(Object &ob) const | objectRegistry | |
capacity() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
caseConstant() const | TimePaths | |
caseName() const | Time | inline |
Foam::TimePaths::caseName() const | TimePaths | inline |
Foam::objectRegistry::caseName() const | regIOobject | |
Foam::IOobject::caseName(const bool global) const | IOobject | |
caseSystem() const | TimePaths | |
cbegin() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
cend() | HashTableCore | inlinestatic |
checkCacheTemporaryObjects() const | objectRegistry | |
checkIn(regIOobject &) const | objectRegistry | |
Foam::regIOobject::checkIn() | regIOobject | |
checkOut(regIOobject &) const | objectRegistry | |
Foam::regIOobject::checkOut() | regIOobject | |
ClassName("HashTable") | HashTableCore | |
clear() | objectRegistry | |
clearStorage() | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
clock() | clock | |
clockTime() | clock | static |
clockTimeIncrement() const | clock | |
clone() const | IOobject | inline |
clone(const objectRegistry ®istry) const | IOobject | inline |
close() | regIOobject | |
cmptType typedef | dimensioned< scalar > | |
component(const direction) const | dimensioned< scalar > | |
const_reference typedef | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
constant() | TimePaths | inlinestatic |
constantName | TimePaths | static |
controlDict() const | Time | inline |
controlDictName | Time | static |
controlIOdictionary class | Time | friend |
cpuTime() | cpuTime | |
cpuTimeIncrement() const | cpuTime | |
curPrecision_ | Time | protectedstatic |
date() | clock | static |
dateTime() | clock | static |
db() const | IOobject | |
dbDir() const | Time | inlinevirtual |
deltaT() const | TimeState | inline |
deltaT0() const | TimeState | inline |
deltaT0Value() const | TimeState | inline |
deltaTValue() const | TimeState | inline |
dependenciesModified() const | objectRegistry | virtual |
dimensioned() | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const word &, const dimensionSet &, const scalar &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const dimensionSet &, const scalar &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const scalar &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const word &, const dimensioned< scalar > &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(Istream &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const word &, Istream &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const word &, const dimensionSet &, Istream &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensioned(const word &, const dimensionSet &, const dictionary &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensions() const | dimensioned< scalar > | |
dimensions() | dimensioned< scalar > | |
elapsedClockTime() const | clock | |
elapsedCpuTime() const | cpuTime | |
empty() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
end() const | Time | virtual |
Foam::objectRegistry::end() | HashTableCore | inlinestatic |
endSubCycle() | Time | virtual |
endTime() const | Time | virtual |
endTime_ | Time | mutableprotected |
erase(const iterator &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
erase(const word &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
erase(const UList< word > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
erase(const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
erase(const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &rhs) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
eventNo() const | regIOobject | inline |
eventNo() | regIOobject | inline |
fileCheckTypes enum name | IOobject | |
fileCheckTypesNames | IOobject | static |
fileModificationChecking | IOobject | static |
fileModificationSkew | regIOobject | static |
fileNameComponents(const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name) | IOobject | static |
filePath() const | regIOobject | |
filePath(const word &typeName, const bool global) const | regIOobject | |
Foam::IOobject::filePath(const word &typeName, const bool global) const | IOobject | |
find(const word &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
find(const word &) const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
findClosestTime(const scalar) const | Time | |
findClosestTimeIndex(const instantList &, const scalar, const word &constantName="constant") | Time | static |
findInstance(const fileName &dir, const word &name=word::null, const IOobject::readOption rOpt=IOobject::MUST_READ, const word &stopInstance=word::null) const | Time | |
findInstancePath(const fileName &path, const instant &) const | Time | |
findInstancePath(const instant &) const | Time | |
findTimes(const fileName &, const word &constantName="constant") | Time | static |
foamFile | IOobject | static |
format enum name | Time | |
format_ | Time | protectedstatic |
found(const word &) const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
foundObject(const word &name) const | objectRegistry | |
foundType(const word &group=word::null) const | objectRegistry | |
functionObjects() const | Time | inline |
functionObjects() | Time | inline |
getEvent() const | objectRegistry | |
getTime() | clock | static |
global() const | regIOobject | virtual |
globalCaseName() const | TimePaths | inline |
globalFile() const | regIOobject | virtual |
globalPath() const | TimePaths | inline |
GOOD enum value | IOobject | |
good() const | IOobject | inline |
group(const word &name) | IOobject | static |
group() const | IOobject | |
groupName(Name name, const word &group) | IOobject | inlinestatic |
groupName(Name name, const word &group) | IOobject | inline |
HashTable(const label size=128) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable(Istream &, const label size=128) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable(const UList< word > &keyList, const UList< regIOobject * > &elmtList) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable(HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &&) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable(std::initializer_list< Tuple2< word, regIOobject * >>) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTableCore() | HashTableCore | inline |
headerClassName() const | IOobject | inline |
headerClassName() | IOobject | inline |
headerOk() | regIOobject | |
info() const | IOobject | inline |
inotify enum value | IOobject | |
inotifyMaster enum value | IOobject | |
insert(const word &, const regIOobject * &newElmt) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
insert(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
instance() const | IOobject | |
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const fileName &path, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry ®istry) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const IOobject &io, const word &name) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const IOobject &io)=default | IOobject | |
local() const | IOobject | inline |
lookupClass(const bool strict=false) const | objectRegistry | |
lookupClass(const bool strict=false) | objectRegistry | |
lookupClass(const bool strict) const | objectRegistry | |
lookupClass(const bool strict) | objectRegistry | |
lookupObject(const word &name) const | objectRegistry | |
lookupObjectRef(const word &name) const | objectRegistry | |
lookupOrAddToDict(const word &, dictionary &, const dimensionSet &dims=dimless, const scalar &defaultValue=pTraits< scalar >::zero) | dimensioned< scalar > | static |
lookupOrAddToDict(const word &, dictionary &, const scalar &defaultValue=pTraits< scalar >::zero) | dimensioned< scalar > | static |
lookupOrDefault(const word &, const dictionary &, const dimensionSet &dims=dimless, const scalar &defaultValue=pTraits< scalar >::zero) | dimensioned< scalar > | static |
lookupOrDefault(const word &, const dictionary &, const scalar &defaultValue=pTraits< scalar >::zero) | dimensioned< scalar > | static |
lookupType(const word &group=word::null) const | objectRegistry | |
loop() | Time | virtual |
maxPrecision_ | Time | protectedstatic |
maxTableSize | HashTableCore | static |
member(const word &name) | IOobject | static |
member() const | IOobject | |
modified() const | objectRegistry | virtual |
MUST_READ enum value | IOobject | |
MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED enum value | IOobject | |
Foam::name() const | IOobject | inline |
Foam::TimeState::name() const | dimensioned< scalar > | |
Foam::TimeState::name() | dimensioned< scalar > | |
NO_READ enum value | IOobject | |
NO_WRITE enum value | IOobject | |
note() | IOobject | inline |
note() const | IOobject | inline |
objectPath() const | regIOobject | inline |
objectPath(const bool global) const | regIOobject | inline |
Foam::IOobject::objectPath(const bool global) const | IOobject | inline |
objectRegistry(const Time &db, const label nIoObjects=128) | objectRegistry | explicit |
objectRegistry(const IOobject &io, const label nIoObjects=128) | objectRegistry | explicit |
objectRegistry(objectRegistry &&)=default | objectRegistry | |
objectRegistry(const objectRegistry &)=delete | objectRegistry | |
objectState enum name | IOobject | |
operator!=(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
operator()(const word &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
operator*=(const scalar) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
operator++() | Time | virtual |
operator++(int) | Time | virtual |
operator+=(const dimensionedScalar &) | Time | virtual |
operator+=(const scalar) | Time | virtual |
Foam::TimeState::operator+=(const dimensioned< scalar > &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
operator-=(const dimensioned< scalar > &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
operator/=(const scalar) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
operator=(const objectRegistry &)=delete | objectRegistry | |
Foam::regIOobject::operator=(const IOobject &) | regIOobject | |
Foam::regIOobject::operator=(const regIOobject &)=delete | regIOobject | |
HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &&) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(std::initializer_list< Tuple2< word, regIOobject * >>) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
operator==(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
Foam::operator[](const word &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
Foam::operator[](const word &) const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
Foam::TimeState::operator[](const direction) const | dimensioned< scalar > | |
ownedByRegistry() const | regIOobject | inline |
parent() const | objectRegistry | inline |
path() const | Time | inline |
Foam::TimePaths::path() const | TimePaths | inline |
Foam::objectRegistry::path(const word &instance, const fileName &local="") const | objectRegistry | |
Foam::regIOobject::path() const | regIOobject | |
Foam::IOobject::path(const bool global) const | IOobject | |
precision_ | Time | protectedstatic |
previousWriteTimes_ | Time | mutableprotected |
prevTimeState() const | Time | inline |
prevTimeState_ | Time | protected |
printInfo(Ostream &) const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
printToc(Ostream &os) const | objectRegistry | |
processorCase() const | TimePaths | inline |
purgeWrite_ | Time | protected |
rawDate() | clock | static |
Foam::read() | objectRegistry | virtual |
Foam::TimeState::read(const dictionary &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
READ_IF_PRESENT enum value | IOobject | |
readData(Istream &) | regIOobject | virtual |
readDict() | Time | protectedvirtual |
readHeader(Istream &) | IOobject | |
readHeaderOk(const IOstream::streamFormat defaultFormat, const word &typeName) | regIOobject | protected |
readIfModified() | objectRegistry | virtual |
readIfPresent(const dictionary &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
readModifiedObjects() | Time | |
readOpt() const | IOobject | inline |
readOpt() | IOobject | inline |
readOption enum name | IOobject | |
readStream(const word &, const bool read=true) | regIOobject | |
reference typedef | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
regIOobject(const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false) | regIOobject | |
regIOobject(const regIOobject &) | regIOobject | |
regIOobject(const regIOobject &&) | regIOobject | |
regIOobject(const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy) | regIOobject | |
regIOobject(const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy) | regIOobject | |
regIOobject(const IOobject &, const regIOobject &) | regIOobject | |
registered() const | regIOobject | inline |
registerObject() | IOobject | inline |
registerObject() const | IOobject | inline |
relativeObjectPath() const | IOobject | inline |
relativePath() const | IOobject | |
release() | regIOobject | inline |
rename(const word &newName) | objectRegistry | virtual |
replace(const direction, const dimensioned< cmptType > &) | dimensioned< scalar > | |
resetCacheTemporaryObject(const regIOobject &ob) const | objectRegistry | |
resize(const label newSize) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
restart() const | Time | inline |
rootPath() const | Time | inline |
Foam::TimePaths::rootPath() const | TimePaths | inline |
Foam::objectRegistry::rootPath() const | IOobject | |
run() const | Time | virtual |
running() const | Time | virtual |
runTimeModifiable() const | Time | inline |
set(const word &, const regIOobject * &newElmt) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
set(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
setBad(const string &) | IOobject | protected |
setControls() | Time | protected |
setDeltaT(const dimensionedScalar &) | Time | virtual |
setDeltaT(const scalar) | Time | virtual |
setDeltaTNoAdjust(const scalar) | Time | virtual |
setEndTime(const dimensionedScalar &) | Time | virtual |
setEndTime(const scalar) | Time | virtual |
setTime(const Time &) | Time | virtual |
setTime(const instant &, const label newIndex) | Time | virtual |
setTime(const dimensionedScalar &, const label newIndex) | Time | virtual |
setTime(const scalar, const label newIndex) | Time | virtual |
setUpToDate() | regIOobject | |
setWriteInterval(const scalar writeInterval) | Time | virtual |
shrink() | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
sigStopAtWriteNow_ | Time | protected |
sigWriteNow_ | Time | protected |
size() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | inline |
size_type typedef | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
sorted() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
sortedToc(const word &className) const | objectRegistry | |
HashTable< regIOobject * >::sortedToc() const | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
startTime() const | Time | virtual |
startTime_ | Time | protected |
startTimeIndex() const | Time | virtual |
startTimeIndex_ | Time | protected |
stopAt(const stopAtControl) const | Time | virtual |
stopAt_ | Time | mutableprotected |
stopAtControl enum name | Time | |
stopAtControlNames | Time | static |
store() | regIOobject | inline |
store(Type *) | regIOobject | inlinestatic |
store(autoPtr< Type > &) | regIOobject | inlinestatic |
subCycle(const label nSubCycles) | Time | virtual |
subCycling() const | Time | inline |
subCycling_ | Time | protected |
subRegistry(const word &name, const bool forceCreate=false) const | objectRegistry | |
system() | TimePaths | inlinestatic |
systemName | TimePaths | static |
T() const | dimensioned< scalar > | |
thisDb() const | objectRegistry | inline |
time() const | objectRegistry | inline |
Time(const word &name, const argList &args, const bool enableFunctionObjects=true) | Time | |
Time(const word &name, const fileName &rootPath, const fileName &caseName, const bool enableFunctionObjects=true) | Time | |
Time(const dictionary &dict, const fileName &rootPath, const fileName &caseName, const bool enableFunctionObjects=true) | Time | |
Time(const fileName &rootPath, const fileName &caseName, const bool enableFunctionObjects=true) | Time | |
timeIndex() const | TimeState | inline |
timeName(const scalar, const int precision=curPrecision_) | Time | static |
timePath() const | Time | inline |
TimePaths(const fileName &rootPath, const fileName &caseName) | TimePaths | |
TimePaths(const bool processorCase, const fileName &rootPath, const fileName &globalCaseName, const fileName &caseName) | TimePaths | |
times() const | Time | |
timeStamp enum value | IOobject | |
timeStampMaster enum value | IOobject | |
TimeState() | TimeState | |
timeToUserTime(const scalar t) const | Time | |
toc(const word &className) const | objectRegistry | |
toc() const | objectRegistry | |
toc(const wordRe &name) const | objectRegistry | |
toc(const wordReList &name) const | objectRegistry | |
toc() const | objectRegistry | |
toc(const wordRe &name) const | objectRegistry | |
toc(const wordReList &patterns) const | objectRegistry | |
transfer(HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
typeHeaderOk(const bool checkType) | IOobject | protected |
TypeName("time") | Time | |
Foam::objectRegistry::TypeName("objectRegistry") | objectRegistry | |
Foam::regIOobject::TypeName("regIOobject") | regIOobject | |
Foam::IOobject::TypeName("IOobject") | IOobject | |
updateInstance() const | IOobject | |
upToDate(const regIOobject &) const | regIOobject | |
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const | regIOobject | |
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const | regIOobject | |
upToDate(const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const | regIOobject | |
userDeltaTValue() const | Time | |
userTime() const | Time | |
userTime_ | Time | protected |
userTimeName() const | Time | |
userTimeToTime(const scalar tau) const | Time | |
userTimeValue() const | Time | |
userUnits() const | Time | |
value() const | dimensioned< scalar > | |
value() | dimensioned< scalar > | |
value_type typedef | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
warnNoRereading() const | IOobject | |
watchIndices() const | regIOobject | inline |
watchIndices() | regIOobject | inline |
write(const bool write=true) const | regIOobject | virtual |
writeAndEnd() | Time | |
writeBanner(Stream &os, bool noHint=false) | IOobject | inlinestatic |
writeCompression() const | Time | inline |
writeControl enum name | Time | |
writeControl_ | Time | protected |
writeControlNames | Time | static |
writeData(Ostream &) const | objectRegistry | inlinevirtual |
writeDivider(Stream &os) | IOobject | inlinestatic |
writeEndDivider(Stream &os) | IOobject | inlinestatic |
writeFormat() const | Time | inline |
writeHeader(Ostream &) const | IOobject | |
writeHeader(Ostream &, const word &objectType) const | IOobject | |
writeInterval_ | Time | protected |
writeIntervalUnits() const | Time | |
writeNow() | Time | |
writeObject(IOstream::streamFormat, IOstream::versionNumber, IOstream::compressionType, const bool write) const | Time | virtual |
writeOnce() | Time | |
writeOnce_ | Time | protected |
writeOpt() const | IOobject | inline |
writeOpt() | IOobject | inline |
writeOption enum name | IOobject | |
writeTime() const | TimeState | inline |
writeTimeDict() const | Time | virtual |
writeVersion() const | Time | inline |
~HashTable() | HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
~IOobject() | IOobject | virtual |
~objectRegistry() | objectRegistry | virtual |
~regIOobject() | regIOobject | virtual |
~Time() | Time | virtual |