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treeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for treeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >, including all inherited members.

findIntersection(const indexedOctree< treeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >> &tree, const label index, const point &start, const point &end, point &intersectionPoint)treeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >static
getVolumeType(const indexedOctree< treeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >> &, const point &) consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >
getVolumeType(const indexedOctree< treeDataPrimitivePatch< triSurface >> &oc, const point &sample) consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >
getVolumeType(const indexedOctree< treeDataPrimitivePatch< triSurface >> &oc, const point &sample) consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >
overlaps(const label index, const treeBoundBox &sampleBb) consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >
overlaps(const label index, const point &centre, const scalar radiusSqr) consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >
patch() consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >inline
shapePoints() consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >
size() consttreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >inline
treeDataPrimitivePatch(const bool cacheBb, const PatchType &, const scalar planarTol)treeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >