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Scale< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Scale< Type >, including all inherited members.

clone() constFieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >virtual
count() constrefCountinline
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, Function1, dictionary,(const word &name, const dictionary &dict),(name, dict))Function1< Type >
FieldFunction1(const word &name)FieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >
Function1(const word &name)Function1< Type >
Function1(const Function1< Type > &f1)Function1< Type >
integral(const scalar x1, const scalar x2) constScale< Type >inlinevirtual
FieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >::integral(const scalarField &x1, const scalarField &x2) constFieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >virtual
name() constFunction1< Type >
name_Function1< Type >protected
New(const word &name, const dictionary &dict)Function1< Type >static
operator=(const Scale< Type > &)=deleteScale< Type >
FieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >::operator=(const Function1< Type > &)Function1< Type >
Foam::refCount::operator=(const refCount &)=deleterefCount
refCount(const refCount &)=deleterefCountprotected
returnType typedefFunction1< Type >
Scale(const word &name, const Function1< scalar > &scale, const Function1< scalar > &xScale, const Function1< Type > &value)Scale< Type >
Scale(const word &name, const dictionary &dict)Scale< Type >
Scale(const Scale< Type > &se)Scale< Type >
TypeName("scale")Scale< Type >
FieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >::TypeName("Function1")Function1< Type >
unique() constrefCountinline
value(const scalar x) constScale< Type >inlinevirtual
FieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >::value(const scalarField &x) constFieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >virtual
write(Ostream &os) constScale< Type >virtual
~FieldFunction1()FieldFunction1< Type, Scale< Type > >virtual
~Function1()Function1< Type >virtual
~Scale()Scale< Type >virtual