39 #include "surfaceInterpolate.H" Surface integrate surfaceField creating a volField. Surface sum a surfaceField creating a volField...
Reconstruct volField from a face flux field.
Calculate the snGrad of the given volField.
Calculate the substantive (total) derivative.
Area-weighted average a surfaceField creating a volField.
Calculate the second temporal derivative.
Calculate the first temporal derivative.
Calculate the gradient of the given field.
Calculate the curl of the given volField by constructing the Hodge-dual of the symmetric part of the ...
Calculate the face-flux of the given field.
Calculate the laplacian of the given field.
Volume integrate volField creating a volField.
Calculate the field for explicit evaluation of implicit and explicit sources.
Calculate the divergence of the given field.
Calculate the mesh motion flux and convert fluxes from absolute to relative and back.
Calculate the magnitude of the square of the gradient of the gradient of the given volField...