wordAndDictionary Member List

This is the complete list of members for wordAndDictionary, including all inherited members.

first() constTuple2< word, dictionary >inline
first()Tuple2< word, dictionary >inline
operator<<(Ostream &, const wordAndDictionary &)wordAndDictionaryfriend
operator>>(Istream &, wordAndDictionary &)wordAndDictionaryfriend
second() constTuple2< word, dictionary >inline
second()Tuple2< word, dictionary >inline
Tuple2()Tuple2< word, dictionary >inline
Tuple2(const word &f, const dictionary &s)Tuple2< word, dictionary >inline
Tuple2(Istream &is)Tuple2< word, dictionary >inline
typeNameTuple2< word, dictionary >static
typeName("Tuple2<word,scalar>")Tuple2< word, dictionary >
wordAndDictionary(Istream &)wordAndDictionary