This is the complete list of members for forceCoeffs, including all inherited members.
addChars | writeFile | static |
alpha() const | forces | protected |
alpha(const label patchi) const | forces | protected |
applyBins(const vectorField &Md, const vectorField &fN, const vectorField &fT, const vectorField &fP, const vectorField &d) | forces | protected |
baseFileDir() const | writeFile | |
baseTimeDir() const | writeFile | |
binCumulative_ | forces | protected |
binDir_ | forces | protected |
binDx_ | forces | protected |
binMin_ | forces | protected |
binPoints_ | forces | protected |
calcForcesMoment() | forces | virtual |
cannotFindObject(const word &fieldName) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
cannotFindObject(const word &fieldName) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
charWidth() const | writeFile | |
ClassName("functionObject") | functionObject | |
clearObject(const word &fieldName) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
clone() const | functionObject | inline |
coordSys_ | forces | protected |
createFileNames(const dictionary &dict) const | forces | protected |
createFiles() | logFiles | protectedvirtual |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, functionObject, dictionary,(const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict),(name, runTime, dict)) | functionObject | |
devTau() const | forces | protected |
directForceDensity_ | forces | protected |
end() | functionObject | virtual |
execute() | forceCoeffs | virtual |
executeAtStart() const | functionObject | virtual |
executeAtStart_ | functionObject | |
fDName_ | forces | protected |
fields() const | forces | inlinevirtual |
file(const fileID fid) | forces | inlineprotected |
Foam::functionObjects::logFiles::file() | logFiles | |
Foam::functionObjects::logFiles::file(const label i) | logFiles | |
fileID enum name | forces | protected |
fileObr_ | writeFile | protected |
filePtrs_ | logFiles | protected |
files() | logFiles | |
force_ | forces | protected |
forceCoeffs(const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &) | forceCoeffs | |
forceCoeffs(const forceCoeffs &)=delete | forceCoeffs | |
forceEff() const | forces | virtual |
forces(const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict) | forces | |
forces(const word &name, const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &) | forces | |
forces(const forces &)=delete | forces | |
foundObject(const word &fieldName) const | regionFunctionObject | protected |
functionObject(const word &name) | functionObject | |
functionObject(const functionObject &)=delete | functionObject | |
fvMeshFunctionObject(const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict) | fvMeshFunctionObject | |
fvMeshFunctionObject(const word &name, const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict) | fvMeshFunctionObject | |
fvMeshFunctionObject(const fvMeshFunctionObject &)=delete | fvMeshFunctionObject | |
initialise() | forces | protected |
initialised_ | forces | protected |
initStream(Ostream &os) const | writeFile | |
localSystem_ | forces | protected |
log | functionObject | |
logFiles(const objectRegistry &obr, const word &prefix) | logFiles | |
logFiles(const logFiles &)=delete | logFiles | |
lookupObject(const word &fieldName) const | regionFunctionObject | protected |
lookupObjectRef(const word &fieldName) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
mapMesh(const polyMeshMap &) | functionObject | virtual |
mesh_ | fvMeshFunctionObject | protected |
moment_ | forces | protected |
momentEff() const | forces | virtual |
movePoints(const polyMesh &mesh) | functionObject | virtual |
mu() const | forces | protected |
name() const | functionObject | |
names() const | logFiles | |
names_ | logFiles | protected |
nBin_ | forces | protected |
New(const word &name, const Time &, const dictionary &) | functionObject | static |
obr_ | regionFunctionObject | protected |
operator=(const forceCoeffs &)=delete | forceCoeffs | |
Foam::functionObjects::forces::operator=(const forces &)=delete | forces | |
Foam::functionObjects::fvMeshFunctionObject::operator=(const fvMeshFunctionObject &)=delete | fvMeshFunctionObject | |
Foam::functionObjects::regionFunctionObject::operator=(const regionFunctionObject &)=delete | regionFunctionObject | |
Foam::functionObject::operator=(const functionObject &)=delete | functionObject | |
Foam::functionObjects::logFiles::operator=(const logFiles &)=delete | logFiles | |
Foam::functionObjects::writeFile::operator=(const writeFile &)=delete | writeFile | |
outputPrefix | writeFile | static |
patchSet_ | forces | protected |
phaseName_ | forces | protected |
pName_ | forces | protected |
porosity_ | forces | protected |
postProcess | functionObject | static |
pRef_ | forces | protected |
prefix_ | writeFile | protected |
read(const dictionary &) | forceCoeffs | virtual |
regionFunctionObject(const word &name, const Time &runTime, const dictionary &dict) | regionFunctionObject | |
regionFunctionObject(const word &name, const objectRegistry &obr, const dictionary &dict) | regionFunctionObject | |
regionFunctionObject(const regionFunctionObject &)=delete | regionFunctionObject | |
resetName(const word &name) | logFiles | protectedvirtual |
resetNames(const wordList &names) | logFiles | protectedvirtual |
rho() const | forces | protected |
rho(const volScalarField &p) const | forces | protected |
rhoName_ | forces | protected |
rhoRef_ | forces | protected |
store(const tmp< ObjectType > &tfield) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
store(const word &fieldName, const tmp< ObjectType > &tfield, bool cacheable=false) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
time_ | regionFunctionObject | protected |
timeToNextWrite() | functionObject | virtual |
topoChange(const polyTopoChangeMap &map) | functionObject | virtual |
type() const =0 | functionObject | pure virtual |
TypeName("forceCoeffs") | forceCoeffs | |
Foam::functionObjects::forces::TypeName("forces") | forces | |
Foam::functionObjects::fvMeshFunctionObject::TypeName("fvMeshFunctionObject") | fvMeshFunctionObject | |
Foam::functionObjects::regionFunctionObject::TypeName("regionFunctionObject") | regionFunctionObject | |
UName_ | forces | protected |
valueWidth(const label offset=0) const | writeFile | |
write() | forceCoeffs | virtual |
writeBins() | forces | protected |
writeCommented(Ostream &os, const string &str) const | writeFile | |
writeFile(const objectRegistry &obr, const word &prefix) | writeFile | |
writeFile(const writeFile &)=delete | writeFile | |
writeFileHeader(const label i) | forceCoeffs | protectedvirtual |
writeForces() | forces | protected |
writeHeader(Ostream &os, const string &str) const | writeFile | |
writeHeaderValue(Ostream &os, const string &property, const Type &value) const | writeFile | |
writeObject(const word &fieldName) | regionFunctionObject | protected |
writeTabbed(Ostream &os, const string &str) const | writeFile | |
writeTime(Ostream &os) const | writeFile | |
~forceCoeffs() | forceCoeffs | virtual |
~forces() | forces | virtual |
~functionObject() | functionObject | virtual |
~fvMeshFunctionObject() | fvMeshFunctionObject | virtual |
~logFiles() | logFiles | virtual |
~regionFunctionObject() | regionFunctionObject | virtual |
~writeFile() | writeFile |