This is the complete list of members for hostCollatedFileOperation, including all inherited members.
ABSOLUTE enum value | fileOperation | |
addWatch(const fileName &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
addWatches(regIOobject &, const fileNameList &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
appendObject(const regIOobject &io, const fileName &filePath, IOstream::streamFormat fmt, IOstream::versionNumber ver, IOstream::compressionType cmp) const | collatedFileOperation | protected |
cacheProcessorsPath(const fileName &fName) const | fileOperation | protected |
chMod(const fileName &, const mode_t) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
collatedFileOperation(const bool verbose) | collatedFileOperation | |
collatedFileOperation(const label comm, const labelList &ioRanks, const word &typeName, const bool verbose) | collatedFileOperation | |
comm_ | fileOperation | protected |
cp(const fileName &src, const fileName &dst, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, fileOperation, word,(const bool verbose),(verbose)) | fileOperation | |
defaultFileHandler | fileOperation | static |
detectProcessorPath(const fileName &) | fileOperation | static |
dirIndex typedef | fileOperation | |
dirIndexList typedef | fileOperation | |
dirPath(const bool globalFile, const IOobject &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
exists(const dirIndexList &, IOobject &io) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protected |
exists(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
Foam::fileOperation::exists(IOobject &io) const | fileOperation | protected |
fileHandlerPtr_ | fileOperation | static |
fileOperation(const label comm) | fileOperation | |
filePath(const bool globalFile, const IOobject &, const word &typeName) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
Foam::fileOperation::filePath(const fileName &) const | fileOperation | virtual |
filePathInfo(const bool globalFile, const bool isFile, const IOobject &, pathType &searchType, word &processorsDir, word &instance) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protectedvirtual |
fileSize(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
findInstance(const IOobject &io, const scalar startValue, const word &stopInstance) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
FINDINSTANCE enum value | fileOperation | |
findInstancePath(const instantList &timeDirs, const instant &t) | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protectedstatic |
findTimes(const fileName &, const word &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
findWatch(const labelList &watchIndices, const fileName &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
flush() const | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
getFile(const label) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
getState(const label) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
highResLastModified(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
hostCollatedFileOperation(const bool verbose) | hostCollatedFileOperation | |
ioRanks() | collatedFileOperation | protectedstatic |
ioRanks_ | collatedFileOperation | protected |
isDir(const fileName &, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
isFile(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
isFileOrDir(const bool isFile, const fileName &) | fileOperation | protectedstatic |
isMasterRank(const label proci) const | collatedFileOperation | protected |
lastModified(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
ln(const fileName &src, const fileName &dst) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
lookupProcessorsPath(const fileName &) const | fileOperation | protected |
masterOp(const fileName &, const fileOp &fop, const int tag, const label comm) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protected |
masterOp(const fileName &, const fileName &, const fileOp &fop, const int tag, const label comm) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protected |
masterUncollatedFileOperation(const bool verbose) | masterUncollatedFileOperation | |
masterUncollatedFileOperation(const label comm, const bool verbose) | masterUncollatedFileOperation | |
maxMasterFileBufferSize | masterUncollatedFileOperation | static |
maxThreadFileBufferSize | collatedFileOperation | static |
mergeTimes(const instantList &extraTimes, const word &constantName, instantList ×) | fileOperation | protectedstatic |
mkDir(const fileName &, mode_t=0777) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
mode(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
monitor() const | fileOperation | protected |
monitorPtr_ | fileOperation | mutableprotected |
mv(const fileName &src, const fileName &dst, const bool followLink=false) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
mvBak(const fileName &, const std::string &ext="bak") const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
myComm_ | collatedFileOperation | protected |
New(const word &type, const bool verbose) | fileOperation | static |
NewIFstream(const fileName &filePath, IOstream::streamFormat format=IOstream::ASCII, IOstream::versionNumber version=IOstream::currentVersion) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
NewOFstream(const fileName &filePath, IOstream::streamFormat format=IOstream::ASCII, IOstream::versionNumber version=IOstream::currentVersion, IOstream::compressionType compression=IOstream::UNCOMPRESSED, const bool write=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
NOTFOUND enum value | fileOperation | |
nProcs(const fileName &dir, const fileName &local="") const | fileOperation | virtual |
nProcs_ | collatedFileOperation | protected |
OBJECT enum value | fileOperation | |
objectPath(const IOobject &io, const word &typeName) const | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
PARENTOBJECT enum value | fileOperation | |
pathType enum name | fileOperation | |
pathTypeNames_ | fileOperation | static |
PROCBASEINSTANCE enum value | fileOperation | |
PROCBASEOBJECT enum value | fileOperation | |
processorsBaseDir | fileOperation | static |
processorsCasePath(const IOobject &, const word &procDir) const | fileOperation | |
processorsDir(const IOobject &) const | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
processorsDir(const fileName &) const | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
processorsPath(const IOobject &, const word &instance, const word &procDir) const | fileOperation | |
processorsPath(const fileName &, const word &procDir) const | fileOperation | |
PROCINSTANCE enum value | fileOperation | |
PROCOBJECT enum value | fileOperation | |
procsDirs_ | fileOperation | mutableprotected |
PROCUNCOLLATED enum value | fileOperation | |
PROCUNCOLLATEDINSTANCE enum value | fileOperation | |
read(IOobject &io, const label comm, const bool uniform, const fileNameList &filePaths, const boolList &read) | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protectedstatic |
read(regIOobject &, const bool masterOnly, const IOstream::streamFormat defaultFormat, const word &typeName) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
readAndSend(const fileName &fName, const labelUList &procs, PstreamBuffers &pBufs) | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protectedstatic |
readDir(const fileName &, const fileType=fileType::file, const bool filterVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
readHeader(IOobject &, const fileName &, const word &typeName) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
readObjects(const objectRegistry &db, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, word &newInstance) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
readStream(regIOobject &, const fileName &, const word &typeName, const bool read=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
relativeObjectPath(const IOobject &, const pathType &searchType, const word &processorsDir, const word &instancePath) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protected |
removeWatch(const label) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
rm(const fileName &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
rmDir(const fileName &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
scatterList(const UList< Type > &, const int, const label comm) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | protected |
setNProcs(const label nProcs) | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
setTime(const Time &) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
setUnmodified(const label) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
sortTimes(const fileNameList &, const word &) | fileOperation | protectedstatic |
splitProcessorPath(const fileName &, fileName &path, fileName &procDir, fileName &local, label &groupStart, label &groupSize, label &nProcs) | fileOperation | static |
times() const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | inline |
times_ | masterUncollatedFileOperation | mutableprotected |
type(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
TypeName("hostCollated") | hostCollatedFileOperation | |
Foam::fileOperations::collatedFileOperation::TypeName("collated") | collatedFileOperation | |
Foam::fileOperations::masterUncollatedFileOperation::TypeName("masterUncollated") | masterUncollatedFileOperation | |
Foam::fileOperation::TypeName("fileOperation") | fileOperation | |
uniformFile(const fileNameList &) | masterUncollatedFileOperation | static |
updateStates(const bool masterOnly, const bool syncPar) const | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |
WRITEOBJECT enum value | fileOperation | |
writeObject(const regIOobject &, IOstream::streamFormat format=IOstream::ASCII, IOstream::versionNumber version=IOstream::currentVersion, IOstream::compressionType compression=IOstream::UNCOMPRESSED, const bool write=true) const | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
writer_ | collatedFileOperation | mutableprotected |
~collatedFileOperation() | collatedFileOperation | virtual |
~fileOperation() | fileOperation | virtual |
~hostCollatedFileOperation() | hostCollatedFileOperation | virtual |
~masterUncollatedFileOperation() | masterUncollatedFileOperation | virtual |