This is the complete list of members for face, including all inherited members.
append(const label &) | List< label > | inline |
append(const UList< label > &) | List< label > | inline |
append(const UIndirectList< label > &) | List< label > | inline |
area(const PointField &ps) | face | static |
area(const pointField &) const | face | |
area(const PointField &ps) | face | |
areaAndCentre(const PointField &) | face | static |
areaAndCentre(const PointField &ps) | face | |
areaAndCentreStabilised(const PointField &) | face | static |
areaAndCentreStabilised(const PointField &ps) | face | |
areaInContact(const pointField &, const scalarField &v) const | face | |
average(const pointField &, const Field< Type > &) const | face | |
begin() | UList< label > | inline |
begin() const | UList< label > | inline |
byteSize() const | UList< label > | |
cbegin() const | UList< label > | inline |
cdata() const | UList< label > | inline |
cend() const | UList< label > | inline |
centre(const PointField &ps) | face | static |
centre(const pointField &) const | face | |
centre(const PointField &ps) | face | |
checkIndex(const label i) const | UList< label > | inline |
checkSize(const label size) const | UList< label > | inline |
checkStart(const label start) const | UList< label > | inline |
clear() | List< label > | inline |
clone() const | List< label > | inline |
collapse() | face | |
compare(const face &, const face &) | face | static |
const_iterator typedef | UList< label > | |
const_reference typedef | UList< label > | |
const_reverse_iterator typedef | UList< label > | |
contactSphereDiameter(const point &p, const vector &n, const pointField &) const | face | |
crbegin() const | UList< label > | inline |
crend() const | UList< label > | inline |
data() | UList< label > | inline |
deepCopy(const UList< label > &) | UList< label > | |
difference_type typedef | UList< label > | |
EDGE enum value | face | |
edgeDirection(const edge &) const | face | |
edges() const | face | |
empty() const | UList< label > | inline |
end() | UList< label > | inline |
end() const | UList< label > | inline |
face() | face | inline |
face(label) | face | inlineexplicit |
face(const labelUList &) | face | inlineexplicit |
face(const labelList &) | face | inlineexplicit |
face(labelList &&) | face | inlineexplicit |
face(const triFace &) | face | |
face(Istream &) | face | inline |
faceEdge(const label n) const | face | inline |
fcIndex(const label i) const | UList< label > | inline |
first() | UList< label > | inline |
first() const | UList< label > | inline |
flip() | face | |
inertia(const pointField &, const point &refPt=vector::zero, scalar density=1.0) const | face | |
intersection(const point &p, const vector &q, const point &ctr, const pointField &, const intersection::algorithm alg, const scalar tol=0.0) const | face | |
iterator typedef | UList< label > | |
last() | UList< label > | inline |
last() const | UList< label > | inline |
List() | List< label > | inline |
List(const label) | List< label > | explicit |
List(const label, const label &) | List< label > | |
List(const label, const zero) | List< label > | |
List(const List< label > &) | List< label > | |
List(const UList< T2 > &) | List< label > | explicit |
List(List< label > &&) | List< label > | |
List(List< label > &, bool reuse) | List< label > | |
List(const UList< label > &, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | List< label > | |
List(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) | List< label > | |
List(const FixedList< label, Size > &) | List< label > | explicit |
List(const PtrList< label > &) | List< label > | explicit |
List(const SLList< label > &) | List< label > | explicit |
List(const UIndirectList< label > &) | List< label > | explicit |
List(const BiIndirectList< label > &) | List< label > | explicit |
List(std::initializer_list< label >) | List< label > | |
List(Istream &) | List< label > | |
mag(const pointField &) const | face | inline |
max_size() const | UList< label > | inline |
nearestPoint(const point &p, const pointField &) const | face | |
nearestPointClassify(const point &p, const pointField &, label &nearType, label &nearLabel) const | face | |
nEdges() const | face | inline |
newElmt(const label) | List< label > | inline |
nextLabel(const label i) const | face | inline |
NONE enum value | face | |
normal(const pointField &) const | face | |
nTriangles() const | face | inline |
null() | List< label > | inlinestatic |
operator const Foam::List< label > &() const | UList< label > | inline |
operator!=(const face &a, const face &b) | face | friend |
List< label >::operator!=(const UList< label > &) const | UList< label > | |
operator<(const UList< label > &) const | UList< label > | |
operator<=(const UList< label > &) const | UList< label > | |
operator=(labelList &&) | face | inline |
List< label >::operator=(const UList< label > &) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(const List< label > &) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(List< label > &&) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(const SLList< label > &) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(const UIndirectList< label > &) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(const BiIndirectList< label > &) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(std::initializer_list< label >) | List< label > | |
List< label >::operator=(const label &) | List< label > | inline |
List< label >::operator=(const zero) | List< label > | inline |
operator==(const face &a, const face &b) | face | friend |
List< label >::operator==(const UList< label > &) const | UList< label > | |
operator>(const UList< label > &) const | UList< label > | |
operator>=(const UList< label > &) const | UList< label > | |
operator>>(Istream &, face &) | face | friend |
operator[](const label) | UList< label > | inline |
operator[](const label) const | UList< label > | inline |
operator[](const label i) const | UList< label > | inline |
POINT enum value | face | |
points(const pointField &) const | face | inline |
prevLabel(const label i) const | face | inline |
proxType enum name | face | |
ray(const point &p, const vector &n, const pointField &, const intersection::algorithm alg=intersection::algorithm::fullRay, const intersection::direction dir=intersection::direction::vector) const | face | |
rbegin() | UList< label > | inline |
rbegin() const | UList< label > | inline |
rcIndex(const label i) const | UList< label > | inline |
reference typedef | UList< label > | |
rend() | UList< label > | inline |
rend() const | UList< label > | inline |
resize(const label) | List< label > | inline |
resize(const label, const label &) | List< label > | inline |
reverse_iterator typedef | UList< label > | |
reverseFace() const | face | |
sameVertices(const face &, const face &) | face | static |
setSize(const label) | List< label > | |
setSize(const label, const label &) | List< label > | |
shallowCopy(const UList< label > &)=delete | List< label > | |
UList< label >::shallowCopy(const UList< label > &) | UList< label > | inline |
size(const label) | List< label > | inlineprotected |
size() const | List< label > | inline |
size_type typedef | UList< label > | |
subList typedef | List< label > | |
swap(UList< label > &) | UList< label > | |
sweptVol(const pointField &oldPoints, const pointField &newPoints) const | face | |
transfer(List< label > &) | List< label > | |
transfer(DynamicList< label, SizeInc, SizeMult, SizeDiv > &) | List< label > | |
transfer(SortableList< label > &) | List< label > | |
typeName | face | static |
UList() | UList< label > | inline |
UList(label *__restrict__ v, label size) | UList< label > | inline |
UList(const UList< label > &)=default | UList< label > | inline |
value_type typedef | UList< label > | |
which(const label globalIndex) const | face | |
~List() | List< label > |